Camping in the Springs Day Four

After a terribly loud night from the storm and thunder and lightening it was time to wake up hit the bathrooms have breakfast and pack up.
I really love this boy and his sense of adventure and love for camping, just like his Dad.
She has her own sense of adventure.
Bridget was so helpful and happy and cute this whole trip, even when she got a bloddy nose she was still cute.
My kids always fight over who gets to roll up the sleeping bag.
Chowing on breakfast.
It was a short drive home and all kids slept the entire way home even though it was 10 am they decided to take their nap early.

We had a fun time with the family and Lucas is already planning his next trip to the nature.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great time! We were in the Springs too, but just stayed up at our cabin the whole time. Got that crazy thunderstorm too!!
