Camping in the Springs Day Two

*note* After several comments about Nathan being a purist and then me blogging and having internet I must let you know that I will not do this high adventure nature stuff without the internet, my camera, and the laptop. It is a compromise that he had to give me in order for me to do what he wanted me to do. Hahaha

We woke up and we were in charge of breakfast.  We made French Toast and Sausage. Lucky for us, Grandpa Witte and Nathan did all of the cooking. :)
Then we packed all 10 of us in the Denali and drove up to Pikes Peak.
(It was 8 minutes away)
Here are some of the views on our way up.
Gorgeous right?
Spectacular views and lots of crazy chatter in the car.
Then we were at the top.
We would have gone on the train ride had tickets not been $40 a person!
We were at cloud level.
We stopped in the gift shop and had fun looking at the fun stuff.
"I survived the drive"
"Got Oxygen?"
This was our first 14er as a family. My goal is to go up at least 14 in my lifetime.
Did you know that there are 53 Fourteeners in Colorado?
I have been up 3 so far. 2 climbed 1 driven.
It was 38 degrees at the top and 90 degrees at the campsite.
Scarlett loved this place.
Then we came back to the campsite for lunch and nap.
Then Veronica, Ryan, Noah, Elijah stopped by. They are staying in a cabin near our area.
Lucas was so excited to see the boys.
Nathan was throwing a frisbee over to Chris and it broke in half. 
Scarlett and Elijah had fun throwing it on the ground.
We had fun sitting, and playing with sidewalk chalk
While all of this was going on Grandpa Witte was working hard on cooking our dinner.
Bridget didn't want to play with the boys. So she lounged in the camping chair.
Then they played some cards.
Elijah was being so cute for me.
We ate dinner
Dutch oven Turkey, Sweet potatoes and Stuffing.
Then it was S'mores time!
Another fun day!

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