Camping in the Springs Day Three

We had "made to order" Omelets from Grandma and Grandpa. Ryan and Veronica took their kids to church for sacrament. We took our kids to 7 Falls. They had a great time.
I love this picture!
Here we are at Seven Falls...
When you drive up this is the sign. when we read it to the kids they were so excited to
 Listen, Smell and Look.
We took the mountain elevator and the kids got to touch the inside of the mountain!
Through out the entire Falls they had buttons to touch that told you neat things for the kids to hear.
Scarlett was so wild during this entire "field trip"
Just kidding, she slept through the whole thing.
here are the seven falls. count them!
My kids being sweet!
At the base of the falls. The kids decided that they wanted Nathan to take them to the top so that is what they did...climbed the entire way up.
They were not afraid at all. Then they climbed down and checked out the tepees!
We left the falls and got back to camp at the same time Ryan and Veronica got back from church so all of us headed to Garden of the Gods.
Bridget had no fear as usual.
Scarlett was pointing at the rooks.
This one makes me laugh.
Nathan's brothers and Elijah with Grandpa Witte.
Lucas was on his own most of the time, proud of his rock climbing skills.
I even managed to get some good ones of Ryan and Veronica and the boys!
Next time I will get them all together!
We broke off back into our cars and then we went up one more trail and to the gift shop.
When we got back we had lunch by Ryan and Veronica (meatballs) yum! and then my girls took a nap and I went with Ryan and Veronica and Lucas, Noah and Elijah swimming.
Lucas loves to swim so that was really fun for him.

After swimming we had an FHE lesson.
Dinner by us (gumbo) yum!
Then chocolate pudding cake by Gary and Cindy.

Then we took Alex with us into Manitou Springs (a major tourist trap) but fun for the kids.
They had a neat park there.
Then we went to 7 minute springs.
The kids could pump their own water and taste it.
The kids quickly learned that mineral water - pure mineral water is GROSS!
Then someone lost something at the park and Lucas found it and the reward was a gogurt. Lucas split it with his sisters, what a sweetie!
Then a wind blew in and it was FREEZING and WINDY so we ran to the car.
Where it started to sprinkle, so we had some snacks and waited for the fireworks.
We jumped out of the car fast enough to watch about 6 minutes of fireworks and then we headed back to the campsite.

There was fierce wind and so we took down a big part of the camp and as soon as we got back into our hailed! We were in our tent for a rough storm, about 75 minutes of LOUD thunder and lightening and rain and scariness and all three of my kids

Slept - through - it.

We hardly got any sleep but it was kid of fun snuggling in the tent listening to the terror outside with Nathan by my side and my three bebes snoring in the background!


  1. Courtney Lynn7/5/10, 6:47 PM

    You look sooooo skinny Valerie! You are looking good. I wish I was as motivated as you are.

  2. What a great looking family. I think camping stinks, but you seem to love it and have fun with it.

    I agree with Courtney you are looking so good. What are down to now 35?
