Fun times and a concussion!

So a few days ago I took the kids to the Splash Park. Here was the view. Gorgeous right?
Scarlett was waiting for her turn to get sunscreened.
Then the sprinklers came on.
Nathan took them in for the first splash.
Then they went in on their own.
Can you tell they are related?
Scarlett was fine until the water came down and drenched her.
Then she was done. Hahaha.
Brown Bridget happily wet.
Nathan was more wet than the kids by the end.
They are like twins it is so weird.
This picture kills me.
Have I mentioned how much I love this seats 3!
Love it!

So we had a fun day and then Lucas fell in the parking lot on his head. He didn't cry much so I didn't think anything of it.  The next day he was washing his hands with his sister and slipped on the stool and hit his head on the bathtub.  He was screaming and then stopped and couldn't focus. Then his nose started bleeding and then he vomited. The pediatrician told me to take him to the ER and after 4 fun hours they said he didn't have a concussion. Until I was driving home and they called me and said that he did and there was nothing that they could do. He complained of a headache for the next few days, but I think he is finally back to normal. :)


  1. Poor Lucas - I'm glad he's ok, but that stuff is sure scary! And the splash pad looks great.

  2. Wow, love the drama. We had concussion scares once or twice, but it's great to know that if we did have one that nothing can be done! Glad he's doing better, and I love the pics of Nathan and the kids too...very cute!

  3. Poor guy. Hope all is well now that he's doing better.

  4. I'm investing in some sunscreen for nathan's head and some sandals even though the socks and hat are killer!

  5. Which park is this? I really need to take my kids there!

    Glad Lucas is doing better--ER trips are always fun, aren't they?
