Camping in the Springs Day One

I have to let it out into the universe that I love camping.  I had never really gone camping until I moved to this beautiful state and I am hooked.  I have gone several times when I was pregnant, with a newborn, with a baby and nothing can stop me.  I really love everything about it. My husband's family loves it too, they make excellent food in the dutch oven, or campfire, and have the coolest equipment that when ever they decide to go we move mountains to make sure we can go too so we can play with whatever new toy they decide to bring.

I also need to say that my husband is a purist when it comes to camping.  We are 100% tent campers with sleeping bags and a pillow. Potty-in in the nature, you name it. This is fine with me because it adds to our experience...the authentic experience. :)

Okay now on to our trip.

We made it to the campsite fine and while we were unloading the van the kids had their first experience with cherries. Scarlett would not wait for us to help her she just popped them in like the pits were no obstacle.
Lucas was introduced to the Ipod and the loud music Uncle Chris likes.
Scarlett was tossed around a few times.
Lucas and Bridget got to explore the wonders of the pop up.  They asked us why we didn't have one and Nathan went into a long explanation about why we tent camp. Hahaha.
Then it was time to set up the fire.
The Witte's made dinner. But Bridget needed some Grandpa Witte time. :)
The kids spotted a deer...
It was cool and all, but Lucas needed to get to flipping burgers!
Alex cut the watermelon, and Nathan directed him how to do it.  Chris is in the background and Cindy is up front.
We ate some dinner and then headed to the pool.
Uncle Alex walked them to the pool.
Nathan is a chicken when it comes to pool temperature.
Uncle Alex took Lucas around the pool and taught him some strokes.
Bridget is on the edge of the pool here because she almost drowned.  It didn't scare her she just walked from the 3 1/2 feet over to the deeper side and couldn't touch.  I had to jump in and get her but she survived. And was back in in no time! :)
Scarlett was queen of the pole and would scream if anyone would come near it.
Spencer watched and laughed at the kids being silly.
It was a fun first night of camping.

We put the kids down at 9 (an hour past their bedtime) and the adults stayed up and played games. It was such a nice night too. Then it rained a bit so we put up the sides to the ez up and headed to bed. The kids slept hard and woke up ready to start the next day!


  1. Purist?!?!? I have to laugh because you have your laptop and are blogging while camping. That is dedication to the cause my dear. I'm glad to see you are having fun though.

  2. My family also loves to camp. We camp when the weather and the schedule permits. :-) I can see that you all had fun camping, especially the kids. Scarlett is so adorable.:-) For sure you had fun bonding with the whole family. :-0
