Wrapping up this Birthday

Because I am ready for it to be OVER!!!

Just Kidding.  We do birthdays big in our house.  It is the one day the person gets to be celebrated.  Lets face it though -- every holiday we do big who am I kidding? And when I say we I obviously mean me because Nathan usually shakes his head at the beginning and in the end loves all of the hoopla! Hahaha.

The morning of he begged to open his presents during breakfast...so we let him. These were from Auntie Stef and Uncle Theo.
He was so excited and happy and got birthday calls from Grandma, Grandpa on both sides, Auntie Steph and Uncle Theo, Aunt Liz and Uncle Cory and we sang to him too!
He wanted Chinese for dinner with shrimp. He loves shrimp. Then we went to Red Robin to snag a free sundae.  You don't have to get a meal to get the Sundae isn't that cool?
When the staff asked him what he wanted for his birthday he yelled out "A brother!" The looks I got after that were so embarrassing...don't worry he isn't getting one!  Luckily seeing Toy Story 3 was enough to distract him. :)
Lucas shared with Bridget only because she grabbed a spoon before he got the first official bite! LOL.

The next day the Library opened NEAR MY HOUSE so the kids each got a bookbag that I made them and a Library Card of their very own.  I wanted to wait to get them their own because I knew that the Library by our house would be more special to them if they got their cards there too! :) I was right!
It is less than 1/2 mile from my house...we rode our bikes there. It was AWESOME!

Then today...
It was 98 outside so we ventured out to The Bay.  I brought Nathan's suit and he met us there after work.
My kids are fearless when it comes to water. All of them jumped right in and had a blast.
Even Scarlett would fall on purpose just to get wet.
This is such a fun place and on Friday night its $10 for the WHOLE family! 4-8 pm!
We had a little snack and ran around in the grass to dry off.
They loved this.
It was fun to watch.

We had a busy week and it was fun and hectic but ended on a good note.


  1. I try to do birthdays big too, LOVE birthdays! We've done a backwards birthday and started out with dinner for breakfast, breakfast for lunch and lunch for dinner. Which meant we had cake & ice cream and presents before "dinner" a.k.a breakfast. It was weird but fun.

    Sounds like Lucas had an awesome birthday!

  2. Awww. I love The Bay. I am curious about the basement. I'll have to stay tuned.

  3. I love Birdgets little white thighs. Thanks for helping to entertain me while I am stuck at work!
