Fruits of our Labors

For Mother's Day we decided to buy 2 tomato plants.  We aren't green thumbs, we aren't organics, we just wanted to see what would happen if we tried.  Today we pulled 2 red tomatoes and 1 yellow one.  We counted and there are about 55 tomatoes that are growing on our 2 bushes.
The kids were excited to try them.
Lucas especially. 
My kids love veggies.
Seeds and juice were everywhere!
Lucas asked me when we can pull up the corn and zucchini and his favorite asparagus.
I had to break the news that we didn't plant any of those, and he was so upset.
Next year, next year.
Scarlett ate the entire yellow one including the stem before I could take her picture! Haha

So if anyone wants tomatoes let us will probably be about 3 more weeks but they will be huge!
And red of course!


  1. Courtney Lynn7/21/10, 8:14 AM

    There is something to be said about eating it right off the vine!
