Standin' on business and testimony buildin'

This week was such a cool and wonderful opportunity to build my testimony. We know that as we share, we grow and as I have had the opportunity to share in Spanish, I've worded things in new ways. I have realized that as I have shared and talked with the Spanish communities,  I believe and know different and cool things. One of the coolest examples was when we were talking with this Venezuelan dude...

He just couldn't seem to comprehend that Jesus died for us to be clean. Of course, I hit him with some doctrine but when he said, "yes he died, and we will be in God's presence but be unclean,"  my companion chimed in with the Spanish version of the good ol' "that totally makes sense, I agree with you" I knew I was going to have to stand on the business of what I know of myself, for myself,  my Spanish, and my testimony.  

It didn't end up fruitful and we respectfully parted ways but I learned a lot about how I truly feel about my savior, who suffered socially, physically, emotionally, and in every other fathomable way, just to know how he can help me best, then ROSE AGAIN now that's gangster. (legendary seminary spiritual thought reference)

Oh yeah and we ate yummy Baklava, so not a total loss.

Love you all!

Elder Witte

Mr Webb: this guy "Arthur Burbank" served in the same mission with you and said he knew you, do you recognize him? (We knocked into him)

Legendary tracking thrift finds, (people will pay you very well (in matching shirts) if you are funny enough (Mormons on their property distracting customers from their yard sale)

Making Arepas with the missionaries in the rama (branch) and our top progressing friends