Busy and Bieber

I have been soooooo busy getting the Relief Society Christmas Activity together. (Women's Church Party)

I made a video, I made a cookbook with dessert recipes submitted by the ladies (over 75), I have been organizing with Angie Marshall (the counselor) what ornaments we will be making for our huge service project, AND I have been hyping it up for 7 weeks...to the men and women in the ward.

It's tomorrow. I am making 5 desserts from the cookbook for a sampling to eat tomorrow night. Others are bringing things too, but I am making the most, which is fine - that is who I am.

I am surprisingly not stressed.  I am also teaching Tot School this week, and everything is ready to go but for my sanity and my husband's terrible cough(he is home sick today) - I moved it from Mon, Wed to Wed, Fri.  This week is also the kick off of Christmas Festivities for my family so I am ready and excited for that to start.

I was up last night finishing the last of my Christmas cards because ... I make them myself. I could never do photocards. I don't have a problem with them, but I am a card maker always have been and always will be. If I couldn't get them done myself, I would literally cry. Anyway - this year I made 160 and they are all finished. Wahoo!  Check your mailboxes next week. :)

This morning I was making the kids wait for Scarlett to wake up before we had our usual Monday breakfast (waffles and yogurt) when Justin Bieber came down the stairs...
 This child is going through a growth spurt she has gained 2 pounds and I believe it is all in her cheeks.
 Yep, its all in the cheeks.
Scarlett is so much cuter than Justin Bieber although their voices are the same high pitch sound.
It is just funny to me how long her hair is getting and how static-y it is when she wakes up.
It might have something to do with the fleeces she sleeps with. :)

So that is what I have been up to. I know you were all so concerned. :) 

Recap of Thanksgiving 2010

 The day before we took the kids swimming. Lucas's nose was pretty much healed so we went.
The kids had a great time (as usual)
We were given this floatie suit and Bridget was desperate to try it on.
They had a fun slide for the kids and I noticed how swollen Lucas's eyes still look.
Bridget quickly put her regular suit back on.
We were there for a while and the kids had such a blast. It really wasn't that busy and they could all be crazy little fishes together. I need to mention that the girls are fearless when it comes to water.  Scarlett was all over the place and Bridget was in the deeper side the whole time.
We dried everyone off ate a fruit snack and then finished out night.

Scarlett and Quis (Chris) played together the whole time
She loves him!
We brought Toy Story Yahtzee.
It was an intense game.
Then Ben and Danielle came.
Now the party can start! :)
Nathan's cousin David came with his family and this is Scarlett adoring Aerith their new baby.
I knew David growing up. When I lived in California. Weird huh?
I don't know how the fork and the apple got together but Danielle had it handled.
Scarlett was enjoying all of the attention.
Ryan and Veronica came for Dessert so we had some and then it was time for us to go.
I needed to get home for some serious Black Friday Shopping!
I am not joking!

I am so pleased with my Black Friday Efforts. I hit 4 stores and we calculated that I saved $259.36. I only spent $145. I also had a great time with Tara and Chrystal who were with me at Walmart. I braved Target and Kmart alone and Toys R Us. I rock!


Smile. What ever you do.
It's so last year.
 Thank you for following directions.
Now everyone will know the real us. 
Calm, Collected and Great at Hiding Our True Feelings.
Happy Thanksgiving.


I don't usually like messy pictures, you know where kids are covered in dinner. But - this needed to be documented.

Scarlett is in the biggest growth spurt I have ever witnessed one of my Witte's go through.
This is her on her 5th yes 5th bowl of Baked Ziti. After finishing her salad and Bridget's salad, and she also ate 3 pieces of garlic bread.  She went through 2 sippies of water (because she hates milk) and she still wanted more. We had to cut her off because her belly was so large and distended I could barely put her pajamas over it. I love how the meat is chunked right under her eyes. Crazy baby.

In other unrelated events. Bridget got to go to her first party without anyone else.  It was princess themed and she was adamant about wearing her new Belle dress.
What she was also specific on was her hair she wanted a bun with a z in it like she saw on one of the hair blogs I look at. So here was my attempt.
She also had to have a bow and so I had to make one right before the party since I didn't have one.
She ended up loving it and it stayed in through nap!

I can't believe how big my kids are growing. Not only in size but in their attitudes and behaviors.
Its weird because I would normally have a 4.5 month old by now but the little break has been sort of nice.
What is also nice is how many questions they have been asking me about the new baby. They are so excited to meet her and hold her and take care of her. Before they were all too little to notice really. Its a nice change.

So far the names the kids like for the new baby are Magnolia, Betsy, and Fran.
We haven't decided yet but those aren't even in consideration. :)

Can you feel the love?

Boy this new baby is going to be lucky if she gets any air to breathe at all.


Anna is moving this week and I didn't think it would sadden my kids like it has but nonetheless it has.

I went through and printed pictures of all their adventures together and then we put them in a book for her so "she would never forget me"

Then Lucas asked his whole Sunbeam class to draw her a picture for the book.  He wanted to make sure that she knew everyone liked her and would miss her. It was so sweet.

Lucas then told me this morning before Anna came over for her last playdate that he would just die if Robert ever moved away.  I laughed and then the doorbell rang and it was Anna and Issac.  All 3 of my kids welcomed them with open arms and they have been playing ever since.

Bridget had TotSchool this morning so Lucas got a bunch of Anna time before its time to drop her back off at her house.

Here they are currently.

The giggles and laughter and seriousness of the pair reminds me of the first time we had Anna over. A little before Issac was even born. HERE is the LINK June 25, 2008. That was before Scarlett was even born!  Its funny to me now because both Rachel and I are pregnant again. She is due to have twin boys in January and I am due in Feb with a girl. That will put us at 4 kids each. Wow. Time flies huh?

We have loved the many times Anna and Issac have been here for play dates or lunch groups or babysitting swaps. It has also been so nice since they lived the closest to us in the whole ward..."what are we going to do without them?" I have assured them that we would mail letters to each other and stay friends but to a 4 year old forever is forever.

We will miss you Anna and Issac and hope you have more adventures in Kansas! I hope she likes her book that Lucas made and that both of them are good on the drive there! :)

Double Take

Its funny because I know my kids look alike. I know that they have a lot of me in them and some of Nathan in them but for the most part they all look the same.  Minus the big difference - their coloring!

If I showed you a black and white picture of them you would be amazed at their similarities.
Okay fine here - I'll show you.
Now that the orange hair can't distract you - you can totally tell that they are siblings.

So why are we talking about this?

Because this morning I was giving Scarlett a bath and Lucas got naked and jumped in before I could stop him. Bridget was too busy playing Belle to notice but as I was sitting in there amongst the laughter and splashes I noticed something...

 The 1st and 3rd not only look alike but seriously have Nathan's body.
Bony and white! Hahaha.
Here is Lucas at 19 months.

It could seriously be the same child right?

What is even funnier is that while the kids were forced against their will to rake the leaves this afternoon I noticed that not only do they look alike but they are so similar in how they do things and how they think.
(A lot like Nathan)

 I say forced because they thought it was so dumb to be raking when we still had so many green leaves on our tree but I had to explain once they were wet from snow it was next to impossible to rake them.
 Then they were happier to pitch in.

So its fine and dandy that I have little twin Nathan's on my hands but there is still one thing that worries me...

Bridget can't possibly be like me and if she is will this next baby be too?  Now I am starting to see the frightening reality Nathan was able to see at the Ultrasound a month ago...

3 "cycles'"
3 "attitudes"
3x the clothes
but most scary to Nathan (I think)
is 3 *gasp* Bridget's?

I am going on the record and saying that I don't think she is like me.
I don't like things my way.
I don't ignore you if I don't like you.
I don't have to match every little thing that is on me.
I don't like my hair a certain way.
I don't put my hands on my hips when I am trying to get my point across.
I don't throw fits if I don't get my way.

I am disabling comments and that's the way it is because I say so!
Just Kidding. Its scary how much our kids are like us isn't it?

Closing Ceremonies

Of Bridget's Birthday Week.

She got phone calls, attention, cake 2x, love, presents, attention, a party, attention, lots of pictures, and most important to her ATTENTION. Not like she doesn't get any EVER but still. She is kinda that girl who needs to be in the spotlight, or something is wrong and unfortunately is teaching her little sister the same thing. The problem with this is that there will be another female entering this house which means we are in trouble. Anyway - back to Bridget of course.

We had the Witte's over for cake and fun and that is just what we did.
 She was so excited.
 She opened it up and pulled out Belle and Beast and someone asked Bridget who Beast was and she blurted out "A Werewolf!" Everyone got a good hoot about that.
 Then it was time for some male wrestling.
 Then time for cake. Belle and Beast were all ears. Scarlett was less than happy.
The cake looked lopsided but it actually wasn't. We had my French Vanilla cake with a freash strawberries and cream layer. I think everyone liked it.
Then everyone visited and it was time to go home.
Bridget had a great birthday and now fully understands she is 3.

Miss Thang turns 3 TODAY!

I decided to interview Bridget so you could get a little more insight into how she really is. :)

How are you today? I'm alright. I am still a little tired because Scarlett is a noisy sleeper. 

What are you doing? Reading Books until its time to go to totschool.

What is your favorite show? Dora and Princesses and umm, Strawberry Shortcake.

Why? Because they are all girls and they wear pretty clothes, except Dora she just wears the same clothes that don't even match.

Are you in preschool? No! TotSchool! Preschool is for 4 year olds and I am only 3. I am 3 now right mommy?

Who is your best friend? You(mom), but really I like Camryn and Lindsey and Alli and Chaira and Ellie all of the girls at my party.

Do you like any boys? No (a very insistent no) I don't like any boys at all. 

What do you want to name your new baby sister?
 Magnolia or Tulip Petals

Are you excited for winter? Yes, except my jacket makes my hair all stickaticy (static-y)

Tell me about your family.
 There are lots of people in my family. Did you see my family tree?  You know the one I made at totschool? That explains everything.

Tell me about your room. Its pink diamonds and I can't go to bed until its cleaned every night.  I want a purple room though Mommy. When can I have a purple room?

Tell me about church. Church is not very fun at the beginning. I like my class though. I like my friends a lot more. Did you know Lindsey is not in my class, and Keegan isn't either?  Did they forget where to go?

What is your favorite thing that we did for your birthday? I liked my party, and my presents and Red Robin and my song and my special breakfast and everyone looking at me. I like when people look at me.
How old are you? 3 mom, don't you know that already? 
Do you know how to read? Not yet but I know what they are about. Lucas can read to me.

Do you like to read? Yeah.

What is your favorite thing to do at home? The presents I got, I like to play with them. And take care of my babies and play outside. 

What is your favorite food: Fruit and Candy and Cake.

Is that it? Or is there anything else you want to tell me about? No can we be done?

I love you Bridget! Here is her video:

We took her to Red Robin on Saturday to celebrate her birthday for her free ice cream!
She has had a pretty awesome birthday this year!

Niece Blessed

Sydney Jane Witte - 6 weeks old received a beautiful blessing today. Jerry Blackburn, Nathan, Ryan, Grandpa Witte, Bishop and family friend of Ryan and Veronica were in the circle and it was such a nice blessing.
 Nathan's mom made this dress just for her, just like she made one for my girls and all of the boys too.  The best part is that we got to pick out the dresses ourself. Veronica picked this one for Sydney looong before she was pregnant with her. So pretty!
 Hand Smocked.
 Just as delicate as little girls are. :)
Happy Blessing day Sydney. :)