I couldn't find Lucas's birth story on the blog. I couldn't find very many pictures of him on here as a baby because I started it in June of 07 so I will put some of my FAVORITES of him on this post.
Feel free to ooh and aah on how much Scarlett looks like him! :)
Here I am about to have him. I had felt "pressure" for a few days but had no idea what contractions felt like since he was my first baby. I was measuring 2 weeks early and was excited for a big baby. My OB took pity on me for having to be so huge in July and so offered me an induction a week early. We got to the hospital at 6:30am and I got my first round of cervidil. I waited 4 more hours and got round 2 of cervidil. I walked a lot and then took a rest in my bed. A nurse came in and told Nathan that I was having some serious contractions even though I couldn't feel them and she okay-ed me for lunch. I ordered Quesadillas and there was guacamole on the plate. I love guacamole but the entire pregnancy I couldn't even eat avocados so I licked the slice that had guac on it and avoided it all together. Less than 3 minutes later I was in full blown labor. I could feel the contractions.
I got sick and dilated from a 3 to a 9 in less than 2 hours. I called my parents, Nathan called his parents. They were administering an epidural and Nathan's parents arrived. I felt like I needed to push as soon as I laid down and the epidural fell out. I cried a little because I was nervous and the nurses told me I was going to be okay. I was so tired I would fall asleep between contractions and when I woke up I would apologize several times to the nurses for crying and then I would pass out again..
The doctor said if you want to push now's the time.
I pushed 3x and let out a "Waa" like literally - and Lucas was out. The whole birth was under 3 hours from labor to having him in my arms! He was 7lbs 5oz and 22 inches long. He never needed the lights, and was pretty pink right from the get go. He was born with Red hair but if you ask him what color it is he will always tell you Orange.
Nathan looks like he is 13 in this picture. Hahaha. Skinny skinny.
Lucas could hold his head up from birth. He was always interested in what was going on outside.
I felt great and was walking around without any problems. I had him naturally and didn't need any pain medications after I had him. I wanted to leave early but they made me stay the full 2 days.
Lucas was a great sleeper (he still is) he slept through the night at week 3. He loved to eat and this is what he looked like 3 months later...
He was suddenly too big for EVERYTHING! The car seat, the swing, the boppy. He was always in the 90th percentile or more the first year.
His halloween costume (he was 4 months old) was a 9-12 month size.
He did everything early. Sat up at 5 months, Crawled at 6 walked at 10 he was bound for bigger things. :)
He never took a pacifier, he was almost always this happy and he was such a bright part of my life.
He loved firetrucks at about 8 months and by 1 he could tell you what kind of firetruck it was and what its purpose was on the road. Here he is at 1 years old. I was 6 months pregnant with #2 We found out on his birthday what we were having and he called her "digit" for a very long time. Poor Lucas we have been pregnant for almost every birthday but he doesn't mind he loves his family.
He would wait by the "dindow" for "duddy' to get home.
They were inseparable until "digit" was born.
She was born 1 week after this picture was taken.
Here is Lucas at 15 months...
and here he is at 18 months...
Now at
TWO here is the link to
Now that he is FOUR only a few things have remained the same.
He is very complimentary, sweet and most of the time nice. He truly is sensitive when it comes to others and their feelings. He loves that he has a lot a friends and that he is getting close to going to school. He can read a fair amount and can write his first and last name. He is very smart and I am not just saying that because I am his mom, he really is I promise.
He is always taking care of his sisters and making sure they are "okay." He naps about 1.5 hours every day and goes to bed at 8, wakes up around 7 and usually has a list of things he hopes to accomplish everyday. He loves firetrucks and firemen anyone in the service field. He continues to impress me everyday with things he has questions about or things he wants to learn about and I am so grateful to be his mom.
I love you Lucas happy 4th birthday! I can't wait for you to open your presents and for your special surprise from Me and Daddy!