{Bike Party}

for the almost but not quite FOUR year old

Since February Lucas has asked for a 2 wheeler. A big kid bike.
Like the kids ride to school.

We took him to Toys R Us and he could ride instantly.
The 12 inch wheels were too small.
The 16 were too big.
Luckily we found a 14 inch wheeled bike that was for a boy.

We gave him this bike yesterday.
He was EXCITED because he didn't know if he was going to get a bike, he just thought he was going to get a bike birthday party.

It had been overcast and rainy ALL week Lucas was so worried it would not be sunny for his party.

We had perfect weather.
The kids started out the party by decorating bikes.
Horns, Bells, Spoke Beads, License Plates with their names on them and of course streamers.
Then they got to ride freely in the parking lot. I had it all blocked off so they had free reign of the grounds.
Then we started the Obstacle Course.
On Your Mark Get Set Go!!!
Carter walked the entire way with Bridget. He loves her I think.
There was some silly things they had to do like ride through bubbles, stop and clap 3x and ride through the hydrant.
Scarlett did it too.
They were in the sprinklers for a good 10 mintues. They all liked this.  Anna went a little crazy and drenched herself but laughed and had so much fun it was worth it.
The rest of the group just kept going and going.
Then it was time for the next game.
Everyone lined up on the parking lines.
We raced to the end.
But each time they had to use one leg or one hand until they were basically walking with the bike between their legs.
This was fun but they were all looking hot so we parked the bikes and got some water!
It was actually hot!
So we went under the covered area to open presents for a little R&R
Hahaha I love this one!
So Lucas opened his presents. He was so happy and grateful to his friends for giving him such nice presents!
So we slugged some more water and headed to the grass for some freeze dance.
Nathan was grilling hot dogs so the kids had plenty of time to go crazy in the grass. 
Then it was time to eat!
Scarlett is mad at Elijah and Noah because they aren't eating fast enough. Haha
The kids had more free play with the bikes and instead of cleaning up the tables Scarlett walked to each plate and finished everyone's plate.
I am mad at myself for not getting pictures of it but Veronica and I had a pretty good laugh about it.
It was time for a quick group shot.
I would not have been able to take these had it not been for Nathan being crazy behind me.
Okay Okay Ready Set Go!
Then it was Bubble Time
Then it was time for the kids to go home 2 hours of fun had to come to an end.

As the parents picked up the kids Lucas gave the kids their Party Buckets...
Inside was a 5 inch bike, some candy, a mini Frisbee, a mini yo yo, a labyrinth and a note from Lucas thanking them for coming!

I loved everything about this party. The red white and blue colors, the bike theme, the invitation.
Except for one thing...

We forgot to break out the dessert!
The kids were having so much fun that I forgot to pull them out.
So after nap we sang to Lucas and ate our ice cream sandwiches. :)

It all worked out in the end.
Happy Birthday Party Lucas!


  1. Super Sad we missed it, maybe we can skype on Sunday so Uncle Cory can sing to him?

  2. I don't know how you run a birthday party AND take pictures.

    You an amazing mother and I wish my kids were old enough to party with yours! :)

    What great ideas Val.

  3. Val you are so creative. I have no patience to do any of that.

    I think you should have more kids just so i can see what parties you come up with. LOL

  4. Anna had such a fun time. She let Isaac play with the motorcycle and he has not let go of it since! Thanks for making both of my kids' day!

  5. So sorry we missed it. Looks like it was great fun. Next time give me a reminder. I have such a terrible memory.
