South Dakota, day3

Today was a SUPER fun day! It also started before we thought possible. The kids were up and out the door heading down to breakfast right at 7am. Yeesh!

Our first stop was my favorite place on this WHOLE trip.
Bear Country, USA.
Before we left we had to wrap up Lucas's arm (again)
His muscle separated from the tendon on our first day here. It was bothering him a lot and Urgent care walked us through what it probably was - a separated shoulder or the muscle off the tendon. He has no movement in the arm (when he woke up)

You drive through the park (like an African Safari) and get to see the animals super close.

See? Super Close!

 I let Mason sit on my lap so he could see better. He loved this.

After driving though the park, you get to go to Babyland.

 It was adorable.

Mason was mad we had to leave.
 Then I told him it was lunch time...
 This kid eats more than everyone! Except Scarlett, she eats more than anyone I have ever seen.

This was at the Mammoth Site. That was our next destination.
We had to leave Bear Country because it was raining.
It was fine with us because we had to pass this again...
 Anyway, back to the Mammoth Site. It was an actual dig site that they built a shelter over. You tour by listening via telephone:

The kids enjoyed this very much. Lucas asked for a paleontology book to read on the way home. Scarlett and Mason asked to read the flyer while Nathan took everyone else to the bathroom.

 As you can see, the rain stopped long enough to be in the sun and read. We quickly drove home to eat Nachos for dinner and have s'mores again.

 Hey look, we were both there at the same time!
 We snuggled up, enjoyed the sunset, and then Nathan, Jules and Mace went to bed.

 Me and the rest of the kids went to RV's cabin and watched a movie I brought with ring pops to eat!

It was a hit!

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