
Quarantine Day 26:
Happy Birthday to Me! The kids were super pumped to make my favorite cake ever (Lemon) and we had long sandwiches for lunch/dinner. I had an amazing day full of messages, Marco polos, drop-bys 6ft apart, and so many texts. The best part of the day was that my kids worked in the garage for 4 hours so I could complete the school yearbook in complete silence. 
It was like I got to leave the house without actually leaving. 😂
I got to hear from friends I haven't spoken to for months and I loved it so much. Talking on the phone is something I miss from my early child rearing years, you know before texting was a thing. 😉

MAC today was Nathan for sending me flowers when he knows I usually hate them, but today it was exactly what I asked for. Also for somehow keeping the kids on task in the cold garage for so long. It was wonderful. *****
Thank you to everyone who reached out to me today. I have a great group of friends and people here in Idaho and around the USA. I really feel blessed for that! Thank you for making #quarantinebirthday suck a little less. 😍😘.

Matilda. LOL

It is weird to be almost 40. But, I love my life, I'm pretty healthy, and I love my job.
My kids are perfect ages 13, 12, 11, 9, 8 and Nathan and I have been married for 15+ years. That is pretty good.  We live in a great area, a beautiful house, have money in the bank, and have big plans for the next 15 years.  I feel blessed.

When my parents were 38 - I was graduating High School, and moving to Colorado for College.
When my parents were 38, they were both on their 2nd marriages, and not living their best life.  I guess my Dad was, but his health was about to take a turn for the worse.  It is weird to think back at where their lives were at my current age.  

I hope when my kids are 38 I am still alive, their Dad is still alive and they are closer to where I am than where my parents were.  I hope when my kids are in their 30s they are still friends and still talk to each other like my sister and I do.  Here's hoping! Fingers Crossed.

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