Nuts, Loco, Crazy...

These are all words that I have heard about myself in the last 4 days. Why? Because I am determined to keep this baby inside me until March! I had the opportunity to deliver Sunday and Monday and said no thanks. I wanted to spend the last days with my kids since I haven't really been there for them. On the way home from the hospital I started to tear up a bit because I am ready to have #3 but at the same time I love the two I have. I love our routine, or little jokes and the fact that I can go shopping easily with two. What am I going to do with Lucas once this baby comes? AAH.
Enter stress.
I am not stressed just concerned that I will not be able to be there for all of them at the different times that they need me. My kids are very independent, which is great, I love it, but at the same time will this change once this baby comes? Who knows. Can I do it? Can I handle it? I can't really say today, I couldn't say it yesterday either. We hit target this morning and I decided to just spend the day with the little boogers. We bought a fun toy and decided to play with it after nap.
Presenting the Bubble Master:As you can see it blows thousands of bubbles at one time. I played music really loud and let them dance and pop the bubbles. Bridget loved it and was yelling "bubble-bubble" this is a game they play in Nursery and Gwen lets Bridget participate eventhough she is still too little to go in.

I was also a little saddened when Lucas said to me after it was over. "Oh man, mommy is done being fun. We have to wait for daddy to come home." I told him that I am always fun mommy and he said "Not when your tummy is so big."
Ouch. That hurt.
I guess tomorrow will be a belly pic. Hahaha. One day he will appreciate that I sacrificed my belly to bring him 2 sisters into this family!

*Side Note* It was 62 today and a beautiful day to wear shorts and tee shirts. I love the spring I hope it lasts! :)


  1. I have to say that I feel your fears. I would like to have another baby, but I LOVE how life is with my girls. Everything is routine and I fear that a new little one will mess up my "groove" so to speak. You're a good mommy and I know you'll find a way to make it all work out. If you need anything let me know. I don't live that far.

  2. I had a meltdown when I was pregnant with Tommy. My sis-in-law gave me a good peptalk. You can do it, and eventually you will master the store with 3. Aren't you glad heavenly father sends them one at a time!

  3. I think you are doing a great job and will continue to do so. Don't worry you are a great Mother and every mommy goes through the un-fun stage. I think I am forever in that stage trying to keep my house clean and take them from here to there. Take a deep breath and go out on a date! :)

  4. I am still in need of a pep talk! :) I am SOOOOOO grateful they only come one at a time! :)

  5. umm thanks?!?! was that my pep talk?

  6. You know you freaking rock the Mom world! You are like Kate Gosselin, minus the nazi-like regimen, the psycho attitude, the ugly hair style, the 6 extra kids, and the husband dismembering. Okay, wait, you aren't much like her at all.

  7. Yea bring on the multiples! JUST KIDDING, seriously!

  8. I guess so! Don't you feel so much better now?

  9. We are giving you a record number of comments, well almost! Where's Meg when you need her?!

  10. Just like everything else you will be able to master 3 kids!! I have no doubt!!! You will have that little baby into your routine in NO time! Let me know please when you have that little one!!

  11. There is documentation that Utah has the highest number of prescriptions written for anitdepressants for women; I think Colorado is going to be a close second!

  12. Mary Meecham2/24/09, 8:36 PM

    That's funny, I did not feel any sort of depression in her blog. The stresses or the worries that she has is normal, and if anyone can handle it Valerie can. She only lets her kids watch like 2 hours of television a day so, I know they are always full of activities and interaction, one more in the mix won't even phase her! I wish I could be as organized and level headed as her!

  13. I'm right here!!

    And Val only lets her kids watch one hour of TV not two. However, maybe after #3 comes she might allow an extra minute...

    But probably not.

  14. Oh, was Danielle meaning the mean meg from her blog? or me??

  15. The mean Meg. Sorry, initially when I got the first comment I thought maybe it was you playing a joke, but then as more comments came I totally ruled you out. I love you and know you wouldn't be such a big meanie head!!
    PS-who is anonymous? She is weird about the post partum depression thing

  16. You will be fine Val. There is always that adjustment period and you felt this same way before Bridget was born and I felt that way before Elijah was born. Totally normal and I think it is great you want a couple extra days with your two before life changes. There are always crappy judgers out there. You just do what is best for you.

  17. I'll help you make a record number of comments...just don't say I never did anything for you. Stop thinking about how you'll do it. You just do it. It'll be ok. You might have to bend on your TV rule, but maybe not. I usually have to go in the store and leave the kids in the car to make sure they have a cart to accomadate us. You can always sit Lucas and Briget in the big part of the cart and put new baby in the kid part. You'll work it out. You're in charge and you'll get out as much or as little as you want. When are you being induced?

  18. Bubble Master looks like FUN! You got it at Target? I might have to make me a trip....
