Colorado Railroad Museum

We have never been here before. Today seemed like a good day to go. Nathan had to work so we could use his vacation days next month, so I took them by myself. 

It went really well. No stroller, no losing anyone, and no tears.

I am finally at a place where I have "mostly" big kids.

 There was a lot to do and see, and Lucas has decided that morse code is so awesome he is going to teach his friends at school about it.

 Almost every train was available for entrance.

 It was 40 degrees out and a beautiful day for exploring.

 We even saw Thomas the Train there!

 We spent 3 hours there. We got a personal tour of the "behind the scenes" and the kids were SO good.
Such a chill and relaxed sort of a day, there was hardly anyone there.

After we left we surprised Nathan for lunch.

The kids loved that, and Nathan loved not having to have leftovers. Haha.

We headed home and the littles crashed.
Now we are off to Costco for a major shop.

It was nice having the whole day with the kiddos.
No having to get back, or be anywhere specific.

How many more days till spring break? 
Just Kidding.

1 comment:

  1. What a perfect day! I love days like that! :) So, I was looking one of the pictures of all of your kids, together, and I was, like, someone's missing....... WEIRD.

