New School Fall Frolic

The kids had their first official day of school on Friday the 17th. We got there just in the nick of time because the school's halloween event was on the following Monday.

We knew we weren't going to have enough time to do an all out theme for Halloween, so we decided to let the boys have their wish and do cops and robbers. The girls will get to pick next year.

This school is very proud of the fact that they are the 3rd in the entire state for best elementary school. They deserve it. Lucas is in an accelerated Math class that is separate from his actual 3rd grade class and since he is reading at a 975+ lexile they have put him in an advanced reading group as well. His group is reading the Hobbit and he was only 3 chapters behind. (which he has already caught up) They want the kids to read and understand what they are reading. Just because he can read something more mature doesn't mean he will fully understand it. They want the content and the themes to be talked about and understood while they are reading them. It is very interesting how they do it here. They also do not do Standards Based Grading which is awesome.

Bridget is not the same as Lucas. She absolutely loves to write and has so much to say. They put her in a creative writing group where they give her a prompt and let her go to town. She goes to that group for 25 minutes a day and has brought home some incredible stories. She surprised us in Colorado with how well she is at Math. I imagine some of it has to do with her testing skills. She is very good at test taking. Her teacher doesn't want to burn her out with the accelerated math, so she is giving her more complex work on her own.

Scarlett is a whole other animal. She was about to go to 1st grade for reading at the old school because she was well above her classmates in reading. At this school, they tested them the same day they got there, and Scarlett scored higher than she did just 2 weeks ago. I guess all of that reading in the hotel rooms helped. LOL.  Her teacher is trying to figure out where to put her because 1/2 day isn't cutting it. She is getting a bunch of homework and she absolutely loves it. We have a meeting with the kindergarten teachers next Wednesday to see what they plan for my little smarty.

This school is really awesome. They don't have the incredible specials teachers like our last school had, and we ALL are going to have to get over that. Sniff sniff. 
They have a lot of other cool things that the last school didn't have, our kids are really enjoying the bus, and the fact that 80% of our neighbor hood/ward goes to school here.

Did I mention that my entire subdivision is my ward? That's it! So cool! 
No excuses to NOT go HT or VT! Hahaha.

Anyway, the Frolic:
You pay for a punch pass.

 Every.Single.Classroom. has a game. You punch, go in, go to the next one.

They also had dinner and then baskets to raffle off and prizes. It was a 3 hour event. It was so much fun, and a lot of people in our new ward were introducing themselves to us. It was so neat! 

Lucas saw his teacher there, who is also in our ward. 
We are really loving Idaho, and it has only been 1 week!
Feels like we have been here forever.

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