Week of Goodbyes! - Ben/Danielle/Maxton

We had dinner at Casa Bonita. The kids and Nathan had never been there. Ryan and Veronica took me there for my 21st Birthday (many moons ago) and it is something people always say 
"when in Denver..." so we hit it up!

1. Eating like we are at school in the lunch line!

2. Eating food that tastes like school hot lunch. I will admit the food tastes better than it used to.

3. Watching the live show and the divers!

4. Fried Ice Cream, another first!

5. Hanging out with this lil' fella.

And then the CAVE!

 Where Scarlett said the same thing I said when I went in it many years ago: "the air tastes like pee"
The kids had a great time until Scarlett screamed and cried and then Lucas was grabbed and I flashed the camera and everyone screamed and was scared.

And then I couldn't stop laughing because all of us ran out trying to figure out what happened.
I laugh right now as I type this up. It was SO funny. (to me)

Then we went to the arcades.

It was a fun evening and we will sure miss Ben and Danielle and Maxton!
My kiddos are already asking to go back this summer!


  1. I'm sad that you are moving away from cousins, but I'm so excited that you will be close to us! :)

  2. Where are you guys moving to?! Good luck with everything!! :)
