I love Matching Sundays!

I think I am just going to post every Sunday, because I just can't get enough of the matching pictures! Serioulsy Lucas kissed Bridget all on his own. I didn't even have to ask him to do it! CRAZY! Look at my cute kids! Go ahead! :)
They will probably hate me in a few years, but until then, I'm doing it, I can't help it. I'm obsessed!


  1. that dress is so so cute and the kiss?? PRICELESS!!

  2. How absolutely adorable! As a mom of another Lucas, yours is particularly precious. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Danielle says that Bridget looks like she is saying "mom, not another picture with this kid"

  4. I remember checking your blog from our posts on BBC July Babies thread. I am *zonacat*. Anyway, I am a bit crazy on the shopping, and this Easter Season Gymboree on line has the most adorable "parent" clothes to match the babies. There is a matching shirt for Dad and son and a dress for Mom and Daughter. Not sure you are a crazy gymbo shopper, but they are too cute. Matching Sundays would be taken to a new level! LOL! Great blog. And BEAUTIFUL family!
