
I'm allowed, it's my blog!

Last night before my parents came to visit, Bridget got her first hair cut! I was hesitant because I can get it into a pony tail and I can do a lot with it, but after seeing Allie Hennuse (1 week younger than Bridget) get her little bob, I was convinced...she needed a new do!

This is what it looked like before...

Not really mullet-ish, but very uneven...

She was so good at Natalie's. She sat and was totally chill. Natalie kept telling her she was so pretty and even a princess! Bridget just smiled. I gave her a Dum Dum to suck on so she was extra happy.
Bridget wanted to look at Baby Jane (1 week younger than Scarlett) see her?

Natalie blow dried it and it looked SOOOO CUTE! So, just for fun Natalie curled it!

I was so happy with it! Then we walked home.

As soon as we got home there was a FREAK hail storm.
I combed out the curl so I could show you all how cute it is...

about an 1.25 inches off and so cute!

I am totally glad we went shorter, and that we didn't do bangs.
She looks so big now, I LOVE it! What do you think?


  1. It looks really good! I should take Mikayla for a real haircut, she's looking like a shaggy dog. Short and manicured is better than long and uneven!

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE her hair cut. I want it like that for the wedding. It is so Shirley Temple-ish!!! Love it!

  3. oh, it is SO sweet!!! And P.S. LOVE your blog header!

  4. Hello sexy hot new 'do!! It's absolutely fabulous!!

  5. Auntie Veronica5/23/09, 9:37 PM

    I think she looks so cute! And it is very Bridgie! What a good girl. :)

  6. i LOVE the hair cut! sooooooo cute!
