
I love Springtime in Colorado especially when my tulips are blooming and when the birds wake you up at 5:30am tweeting away because you left your windows open all night.  Ahh yes.

Look at these babies!
I love the shade from our cottonwood tree but do not like the mess before the leaves.
It is the pods and these sticky suckers that make playing outside hard...
They are sticky and stain and smell but this is easily taken care of if you mow the lawn, so guess what Nathan did...mowed it up!  

We officially had our first popsicles of the season!
Then it was time to pull out the cool water toys from GiGi courtesy of the gift card she sent for Scarlett's birthday!
Scarlett didn't realize the magnitude of her descision to walk right up to the sprinkler, until it was too late...
She was drenched in less than 2 minutes...
Lucas and Bridget loved running around the sprinkler.
Bridget was fully dressed and refused to take her shoes off.
The girl was totally soaked!
They were having such a good time!
They were happy and laughing and running and playing.
And then the phone rang. So I went inside to get it. When I came back outside I saw this...
How did this happen I was only on the phone for 5 minutes.  Lucas shouts he needs to go potty and I turn around and saw this...
I don't know what made me laugh more, the fact that he was in his undies too
 or the fact that they are on backwards!
I was insisting on them putting their clothes back on but Nathan said it wasn't that big of a deal. So I embraced it...
It was a fun little day outside, and I got my grass cut and cleaned (see behind)
Nathan pulled up some roots...
And I stayed dry!


  1. I wish it was warm enough here to play in the water!

    As for the underwear being backwards, that is how Phillip wears his and his explanation for it is that he wants to see whatever design is on them.

  2. So I love you and your family, but I HATE Cottonwood trees and think you should cut it down. They are bad news. :0)

  3. I love your tulips. Alex had on his unders backward yesterday too. Kids are so funny!

  4. Kristie Clark4/17/10, 6:17 AM

    "I love looking at your beautiful flowers in the spring when I drive past your house every day!!!!
