Labor Day Fun!

We took a day trip up to Estes. What is so funny, is that so many people we knew were there too!
But let me back up a bit. We were in Boulder first. We had quite the weekend and spent most of it in the car driving around, and I will get to that another day, but today, we started out in Boulder.

We attempted Boulder Falls AGAIN and it was closed AGAIN, but this time it was due to dangerous falling rock, so we went down the creek to play.

The kids had a great time, and Mason wanted to go swimming so badly, but I had to keep them dry for the ride up to Estes so they wouldn't freeze to death.  We enjoyed our hike in boulder though.

After an hour in the car we made it to Estes.

It was a gorgeous day. Only reaching 80 degrees!

Lunch! Finally!

We were having a grand time together, giggling, laughing, singing. We loved the quietness and peace from the outdoors. As I was cleaning up, I was helping Juliet with something and Mason got his wish (from earlier)...

He fell face first into the creek! Nathan leaped in and rescued him.

His entire back was dry. He is only crying because he didn't get to stay in the water. I know, Nathan and I are so mean not letting him stay there and just drown. The funny thing is that no one panicked. Not even Mason! There was no crying or splashing in fear, nothing. He literally just wanted to swim.

Mason isn't in this picture because Nathan wanted to make sure he was okay and of course, keep him from the rocks and water.

Here is a fun reference from the LAST TIME WE WERE IN ESTES PARK back in 2008!
This time we took the kids through the town...

 This salt water taffy was made on a machine that is 65 years old!

 The kids loved trying something new.

Molasses was the family favorite.

Then we went into the Ore Shop.

Bridget was totally into the rocks and information about them.

Then we had some homemade fudge.

 The firemen were collecting money, and had the firetrucks open for play. 
I bet you can't guess who loved that...

 We had a great time.

There were so many beautiful wildflowers. I love my wild girl loved them as much as I do.

Now, if you know me, you know how much I love cherries. They are my favorite fruit. More than grapes.
In fact, this is my top 5 list:

And Nathan's because we print this book for the kids:

Navel Oranges
Sweet Apples (not Granny Smiths - which are my preference, which is what I usually buy LOL)
Dragon Fruit
and a Good Watermelon

Anyway, back to the day. There was a Cherry Palace and we went in so I could die and try every free sample they were offering. Just Kidding.

We picked up some Cherry Juice! and Cherry Butter.

We had homemade tortillas and chicken soft tacos for dinner with our delicious Cherry Juice, and then it took us forever and a day to unpack from this weekend, but...I get to start the week with a beautifully clean (and vacuumed van!) It really is the little things. ;)

After walking and hiking earlier today we ended up 1.9 miles short on our 100 mile goal.
Lucas is determined to get it done tomorrow, so I imagine, we will.

Since tomorrow is assessment day and only 1 hour of school, Lucas thinks we made it to the end of summer.
Wednesday marks the first day of school for his bud in California, and his first day of real school, not the "rules and what to do days" so - we shrugged our shoulders and are going to say...we did it. Why burst that 7 year olds bubble on a technicality? And besides, how many people do you know who have walked/hiked/biked/ran 100 miles as a family in one summer?  Exactly. It is a success!

I think next year we will set an actual date. :)


  1. Auntie Steph (the best auntie in the world of course!)9/3/13, 4:05 AM

    Nice! The picture of you does show as Bridget said that " your Witte chin is coming in"! Lol.

  2. So sad to see this post after the aftermath of the flooding. :(
