Weekend at the Cabin! (day 1)

We had the opportunity to head up to the cabin in Winter Park.

The kids were stoked because that meant loads of Wittes!
The drive was gorgeous. Scary, but gorgeous!

We got there and started to unload. The kids just hung out for a bit.

 The kids were eager to play in the tall snow.

Juliet is such a happy girl.

The kids walked right in, it was so fluffy and fun. Nathan weighs a little more that the kids, so it was a lot deeper for him.

 Jules was SO happy to play in it.

 Bridget and Scarlett off in wonderland.

The girls tuckered out quickly but Lucas and Nathan and Grandpa plowed on.
They built a pretty impressive snow cave!

Even the neighbor commented about it!
Then the cousins arrived and it was time for dinner and games.

 We had valentines cupcakes and enjoyed each others company. It was loads of laughs.

Scarlett and Sydney making lipstick with their frosting.

Lucas saying thank you.

 Lucas and Noah working on a new handshake. It is a 2nd grader thing for boys, I guess.

Veronica and I have raised some good little boys.
They are great little friends.I always wished for cousins who lived close when I was young.

The kids enjpying their valentines from Gma and Gpa Witte.

Kiddos in their Valentines Day Jammies.

It was a great first night at the cabin!
 I love that our kids are older and just go and play with each other.

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