Continuation/Graduation/Last Day

Scarlett had her program yesterday and Bridget had hers today.
And,it was the last day of school!

 We just love Mrs. McDonald! Scarlett had a great year and can't WAIT for Kindergarten!

Cindy graciously helped me with S, J, and M for B's ceremony. Nathan couldn't go, because he is taking the next 2 weeks off for vacation, and camp.
 Scarlett's teacher next year is the one in the middle. B's teacher is the one with the microphone.
 Cindy and the littles. Scarlett was able to sit with the Kinder Class and she loved that.

Bridget was so happy to be done with Kindergarten. She made a lot of friends and learned a bunch of things, but she really wants to be in 1st grade. It might have something to do with eating lunch at school. LOL

Lucas had such a great teacher this year. He has also grown in many ways, one being height.

Even though these two weren't in the same class, they are still great friends.

Lucas has jumped over 100 lexile points this year, and has started making fact journals for science things he is interested in. (all on his own) We found out that his teacher submitted one of Lucas's science fact journals to the 3rd grade to use for next year at another school. He was pretty excited about that.

How did my kids grow up so fast?
It is going to be so weird only having 2 kids at home in August!

The next two weeks are going to be jam-packed of fun, and then my big fat summer to do list can begin.
I think I am not in the norm, when I say I am excited to have my kids with me all summer. I am mostly happy to not be a slave to the schedules and driving here and there, that the school year brings, but I would never trade it for something else. That is part of having kids who are involved and active, I suppose.

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