Week in Review May 1

A lot is going on'round these parts, and I can't share much, -yet - but I need to switch things up.
We are going to do weekly recaps, for now.  

First up, a friend of mine was looking at model homes and found something peculiar.

Yes! That is my two boys! Do they belong in a model home? No! No they do not!
Did the stager of the home get my permission? No! No she didn't!
Did I contact my lawyer? Yes! Yes I did!

When I went to look for myself I found over 15 photos of my children, and any more of the Witte's that shouldn't have been there. She printed pictures from the photographers website and thought that was okay.

But wait! There is more! She did this with SEVERAL of her model homes through out Denver, and they were using mostly pictures of my kids. Names changed, only because she didn't know them.

There was a lot of hullabaloo and now it is over, and my kids are no longer in the 30 homes they were once "featured" in.


On Monday we had FHE and decided to talk about Daniel and the Lion's Den. The kids wanted to memorize all of the verses to Follow the Prophet,so this was a great way to do that. We decided to go backwards, and next week will be Jonah, of course.

Anyway, our treat was making Lion cupcakes. I promise, we do not go all out on dessert every week. A lot of weeks, but not every week. ;)

 Then out to lawn bowl.

Then it turned into everyone jump on the mini trampoline.

I love these people.

***Then Wednesday!***

Everyone was cavity free, except Lucas who needs a small filling on the side of a tooth due to thinning enamel. Not a cavity, but still needs to be fixed.

Wednesday afternoon was the Kindergarten Safari.
Scarlett danced while she waited.
Scar and her BFF wore Zebra Dresses.

***THURSDAY was Teacher Appreciation Day***
We gave insulated Totes to the teachers because they LOVED my Strawberry Bags from last year.
They TOTE-ally deserved it too! They wrap into cute mini packs. (above)

And the kids wrote to all of their teachers.

and now I am all caught up. Whew!

1 comment:

  1. Woah! 30 houses? What was she thinking? Glad you have cute kids, but I'm also glad you got their pictures out of the model homes!!.,
