
The kids went to bed so quickly. It was sort of unreal. They woke up, we ate breakfast, we washed up, and then it was time!! We were lucky enough to have a white Christmas! 6 inches total.

 We kept Christmas very low key and kept the gifts to a minimum. We stuck to our guns, and are so proud we didn't go overboard. That isn't what Christmas is about anyway.
The girls got a very Lalaloopsy themed Christmas. These from the Horns(below)

 Mason was supposed to get this for his birthday, but it didn't come in time.
 He and Jules love this plasma car.
These from the Wittes

November the kids spent the month earning money for the soul purpose of buying something for a sibling. Scarlett bought Mason 2 puzzles and went over .30

Bridget bought Juliet a nightgown and had 1.00 left over.

Juliet bought Lucas Beyblades and had 3.00 left over.

Lucas bought Scarlett baking mix for her new Lalaloopsy oven. (The only thing she asked for)
He had $9.00 left over and felt like he got her the perfect gift.
 She was overjoyed.
Mason bought Bridget an outfit with powish to match (polish)
He was over $2.50 but I couldn't deny the powish.

Auntie Steph gave them the best present ever. Each of them are obsessed with their watches.
 They light up!
Then we took down the tree, opened stockings...
Santa brought each of them essentials and 5 books each. They were jazzed about that.
Scarlett has already finished the first one.
We waited and waited and waited and at 7pm Grandma and Grandpa Witte FINALLY made it.
They drove in a snow storm to see us.
We were SO excited!
Pot Roast, Potatoes, Rolls, and hugs were for dinner.
The kids went to bed and Nathan and I kept them up until 11:45, gabbing about how much we love Idaho. Hahaha.

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