
It is weird to think that I would actually blog about this, but for people like my parents who make fun of me about what gets blogged and what doesn't (like the 15 items or less incident) but I felt like I should blog about this.

Bridget finally has long enough hair to put all the way up! She sits and laughs while I do her hair and it is just so cute. She loves to have her hair brushed by me or Nathan and anything that looks like a comb or a brush she will use on her hair, like a barbie comb or whatever. When I am done she will admire it in the mirror like look at me, I'm so pretty. I love it.
Here she is this morning. I was just playing and that is why nothing matches her outfit, but I ended up leaving it because she liked it so much. I used to not like the idea of having to do all of this girlie stuff but how can I not when she is just so patient and calm while I am doing it. :)
There is one thing I will never give in on and that is Make Up so Bridgey...
enjoy the hair - doing while it lasts! :)


  1. I LOVED when KatieJo's hair was finally long enough to do!!! She never went anywhere without it being done. Now she thinks she's too old for me to do it....sniff...sniff... Although, it does get done on Sundays whether she likes it or not.

    Bridget is ADORABLE!

  2. Very cute! And the fun takes me FOREVER to come thru Allie's hair every morning!!! But I love it long and won't cut it!!! Bridget is too cute! And hair is definitely not something too silly to blog about :)

  3. How cute! That's awesome she'll sit and let you do her hair, Mikayla gets annoyed if it takes too long and pulls out whatever she can find in the medicine cabinet. *sigh* :)

  4. Ok so I know being jealous is not a GOOD thing but I am so jealous that your little girl leaves the cute stuff in her hair! My little one pulls it out in two seconds flat, then chases her sister around and pulls the bows and pony tails out of HER hair. Oh well, I'll just have to ogle over your cutie!
    P.S. I totally can't find your number anywhere! I think it is lost amongst the pile of papers in my hubby's desk. The thought of digging through it scares me.

  5. Such a cutie! Natalie STILL fights me every day when I try to do her hair. She has such a tender head, though!

  6. SO CUTE!! Reminds me of Ali's hair when you used to do it! So, you send Bridget to me for the make up lessons, it's the least I could do!

  7. I still think you should blog about the 15 items or less incident. Maybe someone posted the security video on youtube. You never know! Don't you love that you can do her hair?! I told you this day would come. You were a little impatient, but here you are and all is happy and well with the hair doing. Don't worry about the makeup situation, that's what she has Auntie(rhymes with Hauntie) Danielle for!!

  8. Your little family is so cute. It's so fun to know what you've been up to. I'll keep up on your adventures from now on. Congrats on having another girl!!
