8 Birthday!

8 donuts, 8 presents, 8 years old!

This was at 6am! He was so excited to have a birthday!

He loves getting TRU gift cards from Gigi!

Lucas was happy with everything he got. Especially the trax from his sisters. 
He said thank you to everyone and then it was time for his last gift.
He has been saving for a Kindle since December. He has wanted to borrow books from the library on it, instead of getting them at the library. We told him if  he saved 1/2 the money, we would match it. He saved $88 dollars and this week they were on sale for $139 so someone was able to get it early!!!

We downloaded the scriptures, and some of his favorite apps, and he was so happy!

We hurried off to spend his card, and pickup a few things before the weekend.

Lucas made everyone dinner (his choice) Cincinnati Chili Dogs with tots.

Then it was off to scouts! What a great day, for this lad.

I am so proud of this boy and who he is becoming. I feel so blessed to have him in our family.
He is a great brother and friend. 

What a cool day, and I can't wait for his baptism!!! 

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