Sniff, Sniff

Well, it has happened. 

Mason is officially off formula and bottles. This means, I can start pitching the baby stuff. What?!?!
It is bittersweet because we no longer need to schlep that stuff around. We no longer need to make sure we have that stuff around, and it means, we will now have more cabinet space!

It also means he is phasing out of babyhood.

One thing that I have learned through this preemie year is that we were oh so lucky (insert sarcasm) to live through some growth spurts TWICE. For instance, the 8 month wake up in the middle of the night for food. We dealt with that when he was 8 months actual, and again at 8 months adjusted. Thankfully, we are just about over that stage. 

Now we are in the shaking head "no" uncontrollably stage, again! *JOY* And my all time (boy only) phase of sitting up and slamming the head onto the floor. I can't wait till he starts to sport the perma bruise that Lucas had from 1 to 15 months. Arg! He is also in the 9-10 month stage of shouting, like a pirate, when he is playing with something. "AAAAH! RRRRR!"

No denying that Orange hair!

Mason just cut 2 teeth FINALLY, and absolutely loves food. He is oh so close to walking. He is an expert scaler of furniture. He can go up the stairs faster than any of my other babies could. He still sucks his thumbs when he is ready for bed. And, sniff, he is almost one! ONE! 2 weeks! 

I can't believe it.
This time has flown.

It's amazing to see the changes this year has brought.
I love my boys. I am so glad I have 2.

This last picture makes me laugh.
It is like Mason is looking into a mirror of the future. 
He will be lucky to look like Lucas, but even luckier to be just like him.
I am truly blessed to have some amazing little people.

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