Juliet's chop!

Her hair was perfect length for pony tails, pigtails, braids, you name it. But, it was still that time to cut it off.
It had been a little over 6 months since we cut it last.  I like to cut their hair short until they are about 4. It helps with growth, and evening, and who doesn't love a bob?

I was sad to cut the blond off, (did I really say that?) but it was just all over the place.

They took 4 inches off and it is CUTE!  She now looks even more like Olivia (my friends daughter)
Luckily, she has that chin to link her to the rest. :)

She loves it too!
I just slip a clip in, and she is good to go!

I hope it turns brown soon. She has the best toddler hair of any of the girls. It is so thick and shiny.
Scarlett's was curly and crazy and Bridget's took forever to fully come in.

While I was taking these outside, Mason was being silly inside.  Bridget put the hood on and he would tuck just his ears out.

What a character! My cute little elf.

One more of my little cutie with her new big girl hair cut.

When did this happen?
They grow up so fast!


  1. How did I never fully notice those cheeks, before?! I just want to smooch them! :)

  2. Seriously, Olivia and Juliet could be twins! At least sisters! We NEED to get them together this summer!
