18 months!

Wow! Already?!?!

In some ways it seems like it took forever, and others it flew by...like all the other kids.

Juliet is at my FAVORITE age. Minus the high pitched screamish tantrums that she learned from the current 3 year old in the house.  She is off the binki, she is off the bottle, she is in the toddler bed and today she got her FIRST hair cut!

Lets face it, it was TIME.
Juliet is my only kid who LOVES to get her hair done. Partly because it means she gets to brush her teeth, and partly because she gets to be a big girl!
She sat there and smiled most of the time, and then it was done!
you can't really tell in the pictures, but her hair grew into 2 points. Behind her ears were almost 2 tails.
It was so strange.
 Lea even gave her bangs, since she has a cowlick right on her forehead. I blame Nathan's side of the family. :P Just Joking.
She has the perfect blond streaks. I love them, and I never used to like blond hair. (no offense)
She is such a fun loving, adventurous little girl.
I often find her climbing and doing things just like the big kids.
Her personality is a lot like Bridget's...sarcastic yea!

 I absolutely adore this 18 month old. She is so happy and has the best chuckle.
She is starting to talk a lot more, but the other kids do most of the talking for her so, she ends up being the quiet one.  One thing you can totally make out is "Daaa-dee oooome!" (Daddy Home)
 See? This is her when he came home!
 Now he is pulling into the driveway. One thing that can't be denied - these kids LOVE their daddy!
 I don't love this picture, but it was one of my favorite outfits. :)
 I just love this kid. I can't wait for nursery and for her to start talking more. She knows what she wants and goes for it. I often find her on the second shelf in the pantry reaching for "rackas" she loves Ritz!
And seriously, she would make the perfect Disney villain with those eyebrows.
But then she would smile and ruin it. 

Oh Juliet, I love you!
You are the best sister to Mason. You walk into his room as soon as you wake up, and pet him all of the time. You love you-ky (lukie) and food so much.

I love your milky white skin and big blue eyes and your funky teeth.
I love that chin, those cheeks and your smile that lights up a room.

Juliet means youthful and that is what you are. Always looking for the funny in everything.
I can't wait to see what you are like when you are 5, just thinking about it makes me giggle.

I will get better at using this camera, I promise. :)

Also, here, for reference:

Lucas at 18 months what a sweet little man
Bridget at 18 months  I love the angry mad face at the end
Scarlett at 18 months  aah yes, always whimpering

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