Bridget is 7 - part 2

We have had some awesome snow and below zero temps, so our internet was wonky.

My girl, is so beautiful. She is so funny, and enthusiastic about everything.
Which means when she is upset or hurt, she is overly dramatic and feels like you cut her to the core.
She is totally unlike any of my other children, in some ways, I love that about her.
In other ways, it makes it difficult to reach her when she is FREAKING out. She is not logical, at all.
Everything in Bridget's life means a lot to her. She is extremely loyal, and in that same breath - won't be the girl with a "best friend" she likes to be alone and do her own thing, and if you want to follow her that's great, if not - oh well. She has made a lot of friends and has been invited over to play and invited to birthday parties and we have only been here 3 weeks.

She has an incredible laugh. She is funny, and has a lot to say.
She is always writing in journals or on scratch paper.

She was very sad to leave her room in Colorado. We had just repainted it, and she was really sad when we couldn't paint this house. But, I found a way to Bridg-a-fy her room here.

 She got the full, since her room will be the guest room when people brave it up here.

I was anticipating a larger than life reaction, but...

She DOES love it!

At school, she was the star of the day. She brought treats, got a song, and a special prize.
 For dinner, we tried something new. Chuck-A-Rama. (A buffet) The kids first time EVER at a buffet. Of course they loved it!

 Loved making their own dessert!

Bridget is always mid-outfit change. This is just one half of a weeks worth of outfits.

She wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up.
She also wants to be a dancing actress.
She will be successful no matter what, the girl has gumption - and that is just not taught.

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