Bridget is 7 - part 1

This girl is the EASIEST kid to shop for in my family. She loves everything, and gives the BEST reactions to things. All Bridget wanted was art supplies, and her own "stuff." DONE!

I grabbed some Mrs. Powell's Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast. They are huge and delicious!

Then she dove into her presents.

She loved everything she got, but she absolutely LOVED her Caboodle.
I filled it with hair accessories and a brush and several chapsticks.

All I am going to say is that Mama knows. I knew this would be her favorite thing. HAHA

We made sure she was sung to 7 times.

Auntie Steph ALWAYS goes first.

After breakfast, we headed out on an adventure (her request) to the very glamorous Rexburg.
It was a 30 minute drive.

We went exploring in the woods and then to the temple.

This is our 10th Temple.
This one is cool because it looks over the whole city...of Rexburg. Exciting Rexburg.

Bridget couldn't believe this was it.

Then we went to lunch at Gator Jake's.
More about her day tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great birthday! And it's Gator Jack's...hehe! I love Gator Jack's!
