
Holy Mackerel!

Our ward put on a super awesome activity for the adults only!
Oh, and out here in nowheresville, they make sure everyone knows there is an activity.

It was nicely decorated. They had babysitting, but we did our own thing.

The deacons served.

There was live entertainment. Andrew is in our ward.

There was also a few ballroom routines.

Then it was wheel of destiny time.

There were a few dance offs

 Here is a short video:

The one with the blindfold is our local news anchor (in our ward) the one in the jacket was the emcee, and the younger one is in the bishopric.

Here is our Bishop and his wife. I just love them. 
Our whole ward has such a love for this couple, it is so nice

I don't think I say it enough, but we are really LOVING Idaho.
It was a fun night, yummy food, and great company.
It was hard to "just show up" to an activity and really hard to not over analyze what I would have done differently, but, it was a great opportunity to meet and enjoy the people in our ward.

1 comment:

  1. How fun!!! Such an awesome activity!!! It really is amazing not to have to over-analyze everything.
