Denver Museum of Nature and Science

We love to take advantage of free days in Denver....this includes the Zoo, the Children's Museum, and of course the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  It is the perfect thing to do this time of year especially since we can't go to the park as much because of the weather.  Don't get me wrong Colorado still is known for its 320 days of sunshine, but that doesn't mean that its not cold here.  Last week I checked the mail and the sun was shining but it was only 11 degrees outside...not ideal for a park visit. Hehehe.

Luckily Nathan was home to join me and take advantage of this special free day.  We had passes to see a featured exhibit so Genghis Khan for 10 people was only $3 a person, unfortunately we didn't have a big enough group so the rest of our pass went to waste but the kids liked seeing the "Chinese Food Letters exhibit"

They didn't let you take pictures inside BUT kids got these cool hats.

So cool we had to see the dinosaurs with the hats on.

Did I mention, we love the dinosaurs?
This particular museum visit we tried to hit different places that we don't normally go to like the gems, and the Colorado wildlife room.
Scarlett looked like this most of the day...

She wanted to get out and run. Instead she just played with her shoes and socks, so that is why she is barefoot...she likes to be like me. :)
They had these Dino puppeteers all over the Museum...

Here they are at rest on display.

Cool huh?
Then we went to the Discovery Zone room.  They had a music and movement lady who sang and had a movie show.  Bridget loved this...

I mean really loved this...

Scarlett played in the animal pit where she dominated over the one year olds.  She was happy walking over to the babies and patting them on the head.  It was funny. Here she is squeezing everything inside because she is so excited.

Lucas built towers, did all of the puzzles and then wrote his name on every left over paper in the coloring section.  They had these big kid puzzles for 6 and up and he really liked those.  He also thought Chinese Checkers was a lot of fun.

Then Nathan and Scarlett played with the blocks.

Bridget found the coloring table and was there for 20 minutes coloring her picture with every crayon in the box.  She loves to color.  Right now coloring is her favorite thing.

I look over at Nathan and Scarlett and someone was having a hard time sharing the blocks...

Then I look again and see that it was all Scarlett's doing...

Nathan was just "helping"
We were in this room for an hour, and then did a scavenger hunt that the museum provided.  Went to the Boddy exhibit and did and age progression on Lucas and in 50 years he will look like Nathan!
Surprise Suprise.

We had a great day and are going again March 1st  if anyone wants to join us!


  1. Nathan + blocks = FREAKING HILARIOUS! Oh my gosh, I am still dying over that one! Did you see Holly and Dylan there, I saw that they went too. That would have been fun to hang out with them there. You lucky Denver-ites with your free things!!

  2. How are your kids always so cute? It looks like you had a great time!

  3. What happened to Toddler Bordem Busters? I want an invite, please. Thank you. :)
