The New Year

Nathan and I stayed up watching a few movies and playing games.  We were invited to a party but our kids have been sick this week, so we didn't want to get a sitter to watch our kids while we went we stayed in.

I tried a new recipe (which is a tradition for us) made a cheesecake (another tradition) and we let the kids pick a radio station and we danced till it was bedtime...8pm.

After we put the kids to bed Nathan and I did a goal check over what we had talked about 2009 to see how we did, and we were good on everything for the most part.  We each made a list of goal setting things and then Nathan gave me a box.  Inside the box it said "enjoy trying something new this year"

It was a WOK!  I have always wanted one but never knew what to do with it so never pushed the issue or begged for one so I never thought anything else about it.  It had a Chinese Food cookbook in it and he wrote on the cover Confucius Say "Good Luck" I laughed and then gave him a big hug and we watched our movies.

Then Friday morning we (the family) celebrated the new year.  We banged on pots and pans at 7am (a tradition) ate waffles with Martinelli's for Breakfast (a tradition) and then rearranged the house.  For those of you who know me this is an every other week occurrence! Hahahaha. We also watched the Rose Parade (which is a Horn tradition)

 We each talked to the kids about their new year chores, and then played with them all morning. I of course was DYING to try my wok and cookbook out so we went to the grocery store and bought some stuff to make dinner.

I also would like to Thank my parents for our awesome Christmas presents this year...
here are some shots I took with my new camera!

Things I am going to master this year:
Flowers, Asian Cusine, and Sewing with a Machine.
Things Nathan is going to master this year:
Daddy Date Nights, C Sharp, and Tracer Repair
Lucas's goals:
Be reverent for the Sunbeam Teacher (Brother Nathan Witte)
Not giving angry faces
Bridget's goals:
To be Potty Trained
Remembering to make her bed (she always forgets)
Scarlett's goals
Grow some hair! (hehehe)...and eyebrows!

I hope 2010 is a great year for us and for you as well!


  1. OMG! you take great pictures!

    How do you give your kids chores at such a young age? I need to figure out how to do that with my 5 year old and 8 year old!

    I can't wait to see that you do this next year, your blog is always such a fun read!

  2. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who rearranges my house so much AND gives my kids chores! Sometimes I feel like a bad mom because none of my friends give their kids chores...but I'm not a maid and they are part of the family!

  3. Oh and good luck with the Wok! I've always wanted one but am a little scared to try.

  4. I'm here for ya on the sewing lessons. Although I have to say I've been doing it for 15 years and am still not a MASTER. That is one of my goals too!

  5. Too bad you didn't live closer, I could totally give you a few of my Japanese recipes, including some killer sushi tips!

  6. I especially love Scarlett's goals! You guys have an awesome family life!Thanks for sharing!

  7. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
