24 degrees - YGG - Obsessed

Something is wrong with this picture...
and this one...
maybe this one too...
Today we were back to our usual tricks getting up at 8am, running some errands and hitting a total of 6 stores before 10:30am.  I missed these Saturdays more than you know, but what I love the most is my kids shouting from the top of their lungs songs from our FAVORITE kid show. Yo Gabba Gabba.  Laugh or cringe if you want this is our show and has been for 3 years and it has solved so many problems in the house when it comes to using an inside voice or an outside voice. etc. For instance if you have a biting problem in your house Yo Gabba Gabba has a song for it!  Just one reason why I love it any way.
I had so many errands to run today because I have a new Obsession and its Felt.  I love it. In fact I have about 8 yards felt not including the 67 sheets of it in my felt box, and oodles and oodles of this...
My poor family has had to stay in pajamas because I can't pry myself away from the sewing machine long enough to sort it, wash it or let alone fold it.  Nathan has been picking up the slack because many things haven't been getitng done, partly from sewing, and partly because I have been with Chrystal and Tara Cleverley (my new friends) sewing into the wee hours of the morning because of this obsession.  I used because 3x there. Haha. Anyway we have been so busy working on things for their shop and I have been working on birthday presents that we all needed a break.My eyes were hurting, and my fingers from all of the hand sewing!

So our families met up at the rec center for a fun night of swimming and it was so fun.  My kids had a blast and Lucas went down the huge slide twice!  He also told me that he needed to pee in the pool but was afraid to because Grandpa Horn told him if he ever peed in the pool Grandpa would throw him over the fence into the neighbors backyard and he could never swim again.  So that is why he yelled across the walkway that he had to "Pee right now" to me. Hahaha.

Just a peek into what I have been doing, looking at that felt food reminded me of...

I will leave this with you to enjoy. :)


  1. HA HA. Is it bad that I'm the one who has you addicted? Felt is like a drug, you just can't get enough. Glad to see you pried yourself from the machine to blog. (So did I) and I'm fighting with every ounce of will power to keep from sewing tonight.

  2. That show is one reason I miss cable. I love those dumb catchy songs! (SO YUMMY SO YUMMY)

  3. I love Bridgets swimsuit!!

  4. my God, i thought you were going to chip in with some decisive insght at the end there, not leave it with ‘we leave it to you to decide’.
