What the heck...

After nap today I asked the kids if they wanted to go swimming and Bridget shrugged her shoulders and said "What the heck." So then I pulled out the bathing suits, and tried them on the kids and Bridget's 2T was not modest for a public pool and Lucas's was mid thigh length. Scarlett's 12 month suit was so tight she screamed while I was taking it off! So we went to Target bout the kids new suits, Lucas a 5T, Bridget a 3T and Scarlett wore Bridget's 2T from last summer. They look great... 
Wait...okay that's better!
 Except when I was putting on Bridget's she asked where her dress went. On her old suit she had a skirt on it. Before I could answer Lucas said to Bridget "Bridget, you just have to deal with it, you are not a little girl anymore!" She took a big breath, sighed and said alright, I'll try to grow up." 
 So to the pool we headed...
As you can see, they got rid of the ghetto Butterfly slide! Now it's an Alligator Slide!
Scarlett was cautious, but happy to be playing with Lucas and Bridget and DADDY!
Both of the older kids took to the water like fish!
Neither of them needed or wanted to be near us, they were everywhere in the pool.
I bought them water balls and goggles and they thought it was so fun!
Scarlett liked swimming and splashing!
We were there for 2 hours, and then it was time to hit the locker rooms.
Some kids were pretty attached to their goggles...
I love the pool and the fact that the kids are not scared and want to stay all day.
On the way home Lucas told me that Anna needs to join him next time we go!


  1. This makes me miss swimming. Your kids look SWEET(both meanings of the word) in their suits! I can't believe how long Scarlett's legs are! I can't believe how ripped Nathan is! RAWR!!

  2. Great shot of you and Nathan on your header!

  3. MISS YOUR FACE!!! When you come down here they can have water dumped on them from a HUGE bucket. Can't wait until you can visit even if it is another year.

  4. Your kids have the best dialogue ever, I want to write it down and pretend it was my own kids saying it!
