
Today was our last major painting day at my friend Hilary's.  We painted for 4 days and i am happy she let me have creative liscense over the kids rooms.  But that is not what this post is about. This post is about my future little Roger Ebert.

Hilary put the movie Aladdin in for the kids to watch.  They have never seen it because its not one of my favorites and we don't have it because it is "in the Disney Vault." anyway...Bridget fell asleep and Lucas watched it intently from beginning to end and on the way home we asked Lucas what it was about and this is what he said...

"Oh, it was about the Holy Ghost and he lives in a teapot and he is blue.  I know in Sunbeams they said you can't see him, but I saw him in the movie and he gives you 3 wishes!"

Nathan and I are trying to hold in the laughter when he finishes with...
"Did you know Satan was in it too, and he turned into a snake?"  "That was a very weird movie but I know that tonight I am going to ask the Holy Ghost for my 3 wishes during my prayers."

I had to ask at this point "Lucas what are your 3 wishes?"
He said "I can only tell you one, because you only get 3, but I wish that I could spell fireman all by myself!"

I told him to save his wish and that I would help him after dinner. So cute!


  1. Hahahahahaha! Love it! Even the second time around!

  2. that was funny! How are you gonna fix this one? Now that would be another story to tell! Ha! Kids are so funny!

  3. What a character. That is soooooo funny! I love kids and their imaginations.

  4. Adorable. I love his wish. I wonder what the other 2 were.

  5. The Holy Ghost does have magical powers! How does he help you in all that you do if he doesn't? So cute! I love this age!

  6. I am in love with Lucas' mouth - he says the most awesome things! Even if it's not out of the ordinary, it makes me day as he parades through the church halls salluting everyone loudly - "HI PATRICK! HI PATRICK'S MOM!" I'm going to tell Patrick that the holy ghost if blue :)

  7. That is just way too cute! I don't think I have heard that reaction to that movie before.
