The 5th Bedroom

The girl children have slept in the 5th bedroom (aka my closet) at some point in their babyhood.

Bridget had croup the first 2 weeks of life, so she spent quite a bit of time in the bathroom and then the adjoining closet.

Scarlett used to nap in there.

Juliet would sleep in there after Mason was born, because she wanted to be with him 24/7.
It also helped that she was away from all things fun.

My closet is a walk in, and, is quite spacious. I could fit a toddler bed in there without having to squeeze or anything. This was the best solution for us because we had so many "little ones" and most of them are chatties. This way, there was a separation - a space, and they were all on the 4th floor together. I enjoyed it especially because all 5 kids had a place to take a nap without interruption.
And ya'll know how I am about naps. ;)

Well, this weekend we moved Mason to a toddler bed.

 (last morning in a crib)

Evidence Jules lived here 

He did not know what was happening, he did not really care.
I didn't "transition" him because he didn't need to be cottled like the others. I just ripped that band aid right off and tossed him in.

He did great. There was no fussing and the best part? Juliet was kicked out of her "room" too!
Why? Oh, because the 5th bedroom got a make over!

A long time ago, we ripped out the shelving and bars and were going to have it professionally done.
We had quotes and everything, and it was ordered but I had this feeling that we should cancel it and wait.
That same week, we found out about Mason. 

Well, the closet got put on the back burner until this weekend!
Nathan and I worked our tails off and finished the closet.

We sent the older kids outside to play in the back...

Nathan ran and picked up a basket:
Those carrots are massive! The apples were too! The kids were stoked about the dark red oranges, which were so delicious!

While this was goin on,

 evidence of those hoodlums.

I painted grey stripes on the two main walls, added shelving on the back wall, a 9 cube shelf for shoes and other fun things, but the best part???

(There are bins missing and sweater boxes that haven't arrived yet) 
but the best part..

I got dark walnut floors! I have always wanted dark hardwood in a closet. We extended it out to the bathroom and it looks SOOOO good. I feel like I am in a hotel! There is a beautiful light fixture going in and that will be the end of my fancy closet/bathroom. Next month we will finish my room and it will be glorious.

The wall behind me has a full length yellow mirror, hooks for belts, and if I were a jewelry wearer, there would be space for that as well. It seems like there is even more space than there was before! Maybe we could put 2 toddler beds in there...naah.

I love that we did it in a weekend, and that the room is 1/2 way done now. This left wall extends and there will be another tie rack there because Nathan has more than 30 ties!

Well, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. VERY cool. And, I remember when you first started talking about all this, making these changes and all, and then - nothing. I remember asking you about it, too, I think... now I know why you never did it! hahaha A walk-in closet would've been so nice for babies! Looks good!
