Spring Break Fake Out

Lucas has been asking what we will do for spring break for about a month. We made a list of plans, all knowing that we would be doing those things in another state. Hehehe.

We didn't know for sure if we would be making the trek to California until the week before because Nathan just got a "promotion" and needed to train his replacement and learn his new position. We were also waiting to see if things would align with everyone else involved.

I had been secretly packing and planning this trip by putting everything in tubs instead of laundry baskets. I had them stacked in my room and jut put them aside. I had the kids try on summer clothes in hopes that it would be warm when we came.  Then, I told them we would be going to Colorado Springs for dinner and that would kick start our Spring Break.

I picked up Lucas from school and he immediately picked up on our car filled to the brim with food and blankets. I told him that I brought blankets because it was freezing. Which it was.

We made it to the Springs in great time. We took the kids to the Elephant Bar.
Juliet LOVED the elephants.

After that we changed into pajamas and it started snowing!
I told the kids to go to "rest" and we would be "home" in no time.

Hehehe, except, they woke up in Arizona!
Lucas woke up and said "wait a minute, there is no grass here! We are in Arizona!"
Bridget ran into the house to see Uncle Cory. He was greeted with HUGE HUGS.
It was 5am, but they didn't care.
Mason cut 4 teeth last week and they are coming in quick!

I LOOOOOVE this picture. It is a good memory of how fun Uncle Cory and Auntie Liz are! :)

 There was a Nerf Attack, and then we went to breakfast.
We went with Uncle Cory, Auntie Liz, and future cousin Morgan. :)

After that, we went to the park so Nathan could sleep at home.
It was too windy, so we stayed an hour.
The kids were sad to go, but it really was windy.
The kids cried a little that we had to leave them, but we get to see them in a month - so that helped. :)

The kids were so tired, I told them they needed to take a nap and then we would be home.
Lucas and Bridget were out cold within minutes.

When they woke up I made PB and J's in the car and we continued on. We didn't stop.
It wasn't until we were on the 101 that Lucas was like "hey! there are so many license plates with California on them, are we in California?" I said yes, and then he was like a little jumping bean contained in a car seat. He was freaking out and then...we got to our final destination.

It was 86 and SOOOO hot, the kids were ready to strip down and go swimming!
So, we spent the next few hours SWIMMING OUTSIDE - in MARCH!
This was all while my Denver friends were stuck in snow for the past 2 days.
 Juliet looks like such a little lady here!
 The kids didn't waste any time.
 I love this picture because it shows Lucas's cleft. People don't often see it because it isn't as "deep" as the others, but, its there.

This was Mason's first REAL time in a pool. He LOVED it!

Everyone loved the pool.

 Phil just watched. 

He often reminded me to keep an eye on the kids.

They were always doing something crazy.

Juliet loved the whale.

Mason wanted to be free.

We made the trip in 24 hours, minus the 6 hour stop in Phoenix.
We ate dinner outside, and enjoyed each other's company.

The kids hit the hay at 7:30pm and we got to hang with my parents. 
So far, its a great trip. :)


  1. Ha! I totally bought that same swim suit for Jack! So cute!

  2. Those are the cutest swimsuits I've ever seen!!!

  3. So I officially think that is one of the worst pictures of me ever!! LOL I would think you got something kind of better to offset that. Miss you guys already less than 30 days until we see you again.
