20. & 21. Denver Children's Museum & Trolley Ride

I still have to blog the last few days, but they all cost so much money, I don't even want to talk about it.

On to Field Trip Friday!
We loaded up the car and headed out to the Children's Museum. But before that, our library still had the goats out! Instead of mowing, they invite goats out to eat the weeds.
The kids thought this was pretty cool.

After disinfecting, we headed out to downtown city!
I have only taken the kids here 1 time, and it was with another grown up, and it was with 3 kids, not 5 kids.
Today was alone and not too bad.

First up, the fire station!

 Mason behind the wheel...

Then on to the train room.

While the littles were in the train room, L and B were building.

We wandered over to the market/kitchen area.

 Lucas kept building...
 Juliet and Bridget are very similar. They both love art.

 Juliet yelled out "Mason! I missed you!"

Then we migrated into the bubble room.

 After bubbles we went to balls/kinetics and then straight to the vet room.

Then after 2.5 hours inside, we went to the outdoor exhibits.

We walked over to the park and played a bit.

We walked over to the REI (it was only 90 degrees out) and grabbed some water and then got on the trolley. This is the last working trolley in Denver, CO!

The conductor asked how old my twins were, and before I could answer he said 4 and under were free, so that was awesome!

This video is silly but you can see Juliet's gorgeous eyes, and Mason's killer lashes in it!

Anyway, we learned a lot about Denver on our ride, and Lucas ate all of that up.
The trolley we were on was called a breezer in its time, and Lucas asked the conductor several more questions before we could leave.

The cool thing about this train is that the seats clip over to go in reverse. Once we headed back one of my "twins" passed out.

So, with that, we left downtown city at 2:20pm and had a mellow and relaxed evening.

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