23. Tuesday, Tidy Day - 24. Potty Train JuJu

Tuesdays we deep clean the house. Mainly because this is the one day we are all together with Nathan's schedule and school, etc. The kids and I work and work, and scrub and scrub. I try and make a new play list each week, but for some reason I can't help but keep 90s pop out of the mix. I am addicted to it, like a silly teenage girl. It is much better than Justin Bieber, or Taylor Swift, and I feel I am educating them on future 90s pop trivia questions for the future. It usually takes us all day, and I get all of the Laundry done on this day. They help put it away, and when it is time for Lucas's piano lessons, everyone gets rewarded with an ice cream cone while we wait for his lesson to be over. 

I know you don't want to see pics of my messy house, but I have some cute ones of other things...

Juliet is POTTY trained! Wahoo!

After piano we usually come home and I send the kids out so I can make a nicer dinner, since its our only one with Nathan during the week. 

We have FHE on Tuesday nights, and then its time to put clean sheets on the beds,
sneak peek in the babies room:

 and tonight's activity was freeze dance and wrassle daddy night.

Oh man when Nathan asked for a ride, Lucas about freaked put. Juliet was right behind, ready to climb on!

 Mason is a little peanut. He is so light, and we all love it, because it is like having a baby forever. :)

Mason has the best bitter beer face.
This is what he looks like when he cries.
All he wanted was another ride.

and for a chance to fly like a dolphin?

Hahaha, I don't know what he is doing here.

It has been hard having Nathan gone, but it is almost over, and it will be worth it.
Tidy Tuesdays might have to continue through out the school year it has helped with teamwork and accountability and responsibility.  Lessons that were a bonus, and slightly unintentional. :)

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