28. Hike!

We have been diligent in our efforts to ride/bike/walk/hike 100 miles this summer. We are about 21 miles short, and have a week left. Nathan and the kids are determined to finish, and I am skeptical.
Partly because Nathan's new schedule starts Monday, and he is in school, and the last week of summer is, well, busy. :) I hope we can get to it, but we will see.

Anyway, today we hit 17.5 miles and NO STROLLER! NO BACKPACK! NOTHING!
We are officially free of baby things.

We headed up to Flat Irons for lunch and a hike.

 It was a gorgeous day. Mid 70s and breezy. Mason was trying to fly off the sides,so Nathan carried him down this part to shut me up.

We went over to the creek to play for a bit. The water was so cold, but that didn't stop my babes.

 Seriously, breathtaking. I love Colorado.

 The girls sharing a moment. 

We walked over to the visitors center and learned about the different rocks in the area.

We went up trail #2, this one was a lot more difficult, but we Witte's pressed on. I could tell it was a little tougher for the kids to breathe, but they didn't complain about it, so I wasn't "concerned."

 See Lucas (above)
We made it up. I am so proud of us.

 We went slowly down, and took our time.

Nathan and the kids got adventurous. They climbed up this huge rock. Then they went to the base of the rapids. Ju and Scar stayed with me. Scarlett hurt her knee and well, was being so 4 about it.

 We walked over to this shaded picnic area and had a delicious lunch.

After lunch, Bridget wanted to climb up the Iron Rock, and instead of waiting for a grownup, she got to the bigger part and Nathan ran up to get her.She wasn't scared or anything, she just wanted to go to the top. So, Nathan and Lucas caught up to Bridget and reached the top of the Irons.

 They got all the way up.So impressive. On the way down Bridget was yelling, I did it, and I beat the boys. This chick has no fear.

 There was another river bank,so we played again.

Mason really wanted to swim. So Nathan humored him.

As you can see, he loved it.
Maybe a little too much...

It was a beautiful day in the Flat Irons.

Everyone was so tired when we got home.
We had steak for dinner, I wish I had bought Flat Iron Steaks. Haha.

Nathan and I finished the evening with another episode of NOVA. I am obsessed with this show!

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