Miss Thang turns 3 TODAY!

I decided to interview Bridget so you could get a little more insight into how she really is. :)

How are you today? I'm alright. I am still a little tired because Scarlett is a noisy sleeper. 

What are you doing? Reading Books until its time to go to totschool.

What is your favorite show? Dora and Princesses and umm, Strawberry Shortcake.

Why? Because they are all girls and they wear pretty clothes, except Dora she just wears the same clothes that don't even match.

Are you in preschool? No! TotSchool! Preschool is for 4 year olds and I am only 3. I am 3 now right mommy?

Who is your best friend? You(mom), but really I like Camryn and Lindsey and Alli and Chaira and Ellie all of the girls at my party.

Do you like any boys? No (a very insistent no) I don't like any boys at all. 

What do you want to name your new baby sister?
 Magnolia or Tulip Petals

Are you excited for winter? Yes, except my jacket makes my hair all stickaticy (static-y)

Tell me about your family.
 There are lots of people in my family. Did you see my family tree?  You know the one I made at totschool? That explains everything.

Tell me about your room. Its pink diamonds and I can't go to bed until its cleaned every night.  I want a purple room though Mommy. When can I have a purple room?

Tell me about church. Church is not very fun at the beginning. I like my class though. I like my friends a lot more. Did you know Lindsey is not in my class, and Keegan isn't either?  Did they forget where to go?

What is your favorite thing that we did for your birthday? I liked my party, and my presents and Red Robin and my song and my special breakfast and everyone looking at me. I like when people look at me.
How old are you? 3 mom, don't you know that already? 
Do you know how to read? Not yet but I know what they are about. Lucas can read to me.

Do you like to read? Yeah.

What is your favorite thing to do at home? The presents I got, I like to play with them. And take care of my babies and play outside. 

What is your favorite food: Fruit and Candy and Cake.

Is that it? Or is there anything else you want to tell me about? No can we be done?

I love you Bridget! Here is her video:

We took her to Red Robin on Saturday to celebrate her birthday for her free ice cream!
She has had a pretty awesome birthday this year!


  1. Happy birthday, Bridget!!

  2. Love the interview! What a cutie!!

  3. That was a great interview. She totally is Miss Thang, isn't she? Love that sassy attitude...she's adorable.
