Double Take

Its funny because I know my kids look alike. I know that they have a lot of me in them and some of Nathan in them but for the most part they all look the same.  Minus the big difference - their coloring!

If I showed you a black and white picture of them you would be amazed at their similarities.
Okay fine here - I'll show you.
Now that the orange hair can't distract you - you can totally tell that they are siblings.

So why are we talking about this?

Because this morning I was giving Scarlett a bath and Lucas got naked and jumped in before I could stop him. Bridget was too busy playing Belle to notice but as I was sitting in there amongst the laughter and splashes I noticed something...

 The 1st and 3rd not only look alike but seriously have Nathan's body.
Bony and white! Hahaha.
Here is Lucas at 19 months.

It could seriously be the same child right?

What is even funnier is that while the kids were forced against their will to rake the leaves this afternoon I noticed that not only do they look alike but they are so similar in how they do things and how they think.
(A lot like Nathan)

 I say forced because they thought it was so dumb to be raking when we still had so many green leaves on our tree but I had to explain once they were wet from snow it was next to impossible to rake them.
 Then they were happier to pitch in.

So its fine and dandy that I have little twin Nathan's on my hands but there is still one thing that worries me...

Bridget can't possibly be like me and if she is will this next baby be too?  Now I am starting to see the frightening reality Nathan was able to see at the Ultrasound a month ago...

3 "cycles'"
3 "attitudes"
3x the clothes
but most scary to Nathan (I think)
is 3 *gasp* Bridget's?

I am going on the record and saying that I don't think she is like me.
I don't like things my way.
I don't ignore you if I don't like you.
I don't have to match every little thing that is on me.
I don't like my hair a certain way.
I don't put my hands on my hips when I am trying to get my point across.
I don't throw fits if I don't get my way.

I am disabling comments and that's the way it is because I say so!
Just Kidding. Its scary how much our kids are like us isn't it?


  1. ha ha this is great. i always knew you were more like bridget.

    especially when you talk about how she doesn't care about things that everyone else does.

  2. Loved your post today. It is fun and a little frightening when we see our kids act like us. The good and the bad.

  3. Jess McLeod commented on your note "Double Take".

    Jess wrote
    "but i love me some bridget. . . . . maybe it's because she and my makky are SOOOOO similar. ;) xoxo"
