
I don't usually like messy pictures, you know where kids are covered in dinner. But - this needed to be documented.

Scarlett is in the biggest growth spurt I have ever witnessed one of my Witte's go through.
This is her on her 5th yes 5th bowl of Baked Ziti. After finishing her salad and Bridget's salad, and she also ate 3 pieces of garlic bread.  She went through 2 sippies of water (because she hates milk) and she still wanted more. We had to cut her off because her belly was so large and distended I could barely put her pajamas over it. I love how the meat is chunked right under her eyes. Crazy baby.

In other unrelated events. Bridget got to go to her first party without anyone else.  It was princess themed and she was adamant about wearing her new Belle dress.
What she was also specific on was her hair she wanted a bun with a z in it like she saw on one of the hair blogs I look at. So here was my attempt.
She also had to have a bow and so I had to make one right before the party since I didn't have one.
She ended up loving it and it stayed in through nap!

I can't believe how big my kids are growing. Not only in size but in their attitudes and behaviors.
Its weird because I would normally have a 4.5 month old by now but the little break has been sort of nice.
What is also nice is how many questions they have been asking me about the new baby. They are so excited to meet her and hold her and take care of her. Before they were all too little to notice really. Its a nice change.

So far the names the kids like for the new baby are Magnolia, Betsy, and Fran.
We haven't decided yet but those aren't even in consideration. :)


  1. My vote is Morganza. Hahaha. Top Chef.

    Or Elliott for a girl. Cute.

  2. You are an incredible mommy! I don't know how you do so much and stay so sane. I love the hair!!! HUGS!

  3. I liked how you called her Maggie once... that's very cute. Just a thought. ;)
