A Rocky Mountain Aloha!

Tonight we feasted on Hawaiian Kebabs, Hawaiian Coleslaw, and listened to Jack Johnson.

I love Jack Johnson, to me he seems so cool and calm like Hawaii must be.

I don't really have a desire to go to Hawaii, I know I am a small percentage of people in the world but I am lucky enough to have married someone who also shares my non desire to go.
His reasoning miiiiiiiiiiight have to do with his tendency to fry in the hot sun, I don't know just a guess. Hehehe.

Don't get me wrong if we won a trip or had a family get together there, we would go...
but its not our first choice.

But that doesn't stop us from enjoying that island flavor. 
I mean I love Rumbi, and that is pretty hawaiian, no?

We had a low key Family Home Evening tonight because Nathan isn't home on Mondays.

We talked about the culture, the food, the music, the people, and explained to them that the cool thing about church...is that its the same no matter where you are.  They thought that was pretty neat.

We found a hula You Tube video and the kids learned how to "hula"

After 5 looooooooong minutes they decided Hula Hooping is more fun.

 and poor Juliet just watched with a solemn face...waiting for her turn.

Then we had Chewy Coconut Cookies for dessert, and watched Johnny Lingo for the family Movie.
Such a better choice than stupid Lilo and Stich...I HATE that movie.
Bridget cried and felt bad for the ugly girl...it was so sweet.
Scarlett managed to steal 2 more cookies when we weren't looking...that deserves a post all on its own.

It was a fun little cultural night for the family. :)

A hui kaua - Until we meet again!

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