
I have be criticized that I expect too much.

I expect too much from my friends, my family, my children.

My answer is always of course I do - because I know everyone can do great things.

Today I saw this and realized I need to print this and frame it because it is me 100%

I whole heartily agree with this statement. Call me stubborn, but honestly I believe that everyone should always act and think and do to their full potential. And if you can't just walk away. Its like that saying "If you can't say something nice..."

Okay. Off of the rant. :)


  1. People are just jealous that you get results.

    There is nothing wrong with expecting a lot from people - you always deliver and serve when needed, why can others reciprocate?

    Just my thoughts.

  2. thanks Ang - I needed to hear that. :)

  3. I so needed to read this post. I think I get so frustrated with people because I expect so much as well because I would do so much for them-why wouldn't they do it for me?, just like that quote reads. And when people don't do what I know and expect from them, it makes me frustrated or feel like people don't value me or my time. Thanks for posting that!
