A little catch up

Wow, it has been a few days. I have been preparing for a class I am teaching in March that will be open to the public on food storage. My stake representatives were so excited about me teaching this class they invited the Stake President and all of the Food Specialists in the wards to come. (no pressure)  I was laughing becuase I kept telling them that VALERIE Witte was teaching the class, not CINDY Witte. Hahaha.

Anyway, here is what we have been up to.

Thursday last week I was in charge of the Teacher Luncheon at the Elementary School.

I made 4 dozen Snickerdoodles, 4 dozen Double Chocolate Chunk Cookies, Chicken and Wild Rice Soup, and coordinated a Soup and Sandwich Themed Lunch.

Lucas had his conference. It went pretty well. He has been speeding through lessons because he just wants to move on to the next thing, so now he gets to do extra stuff and report to a second grade teacher. He has an official IEP and she is making sure he doesn't get bored. Kudos to Mrs. H for coming up with a solution to keep him engaged and excited about learning. She is also going to be more specific on what she is looking for, because he will do the minimum just to be done. So now she will say 6 or MORE sentences and he will focus on "more." She also showed him the difference between then and now with his writing and stuff, and that was all the motivation he needed. I love his teacher so much. She kept saying over and over to Lucas how proud she was of him. It means something different when someone else says it, I think. I mean I have been saying this at home all of the time, but when she said it, he was beaming.

I also forgot to mention that Lucas was awarded Healthy Grizzly for the month of January.
He took a vegetable for snack every day, and wrote a mini paper on how he stays healthy and fit. 
Alan, the other boy in his class who was awarded Healthy Grizzly, made a book on healthy choices, he and his family have made in 2013.

During the weekend we finished up our last basket by devouring these massive sweet potatoes.

 On Saturday I went to the JBF sale with Tara and picked up a few things for Ju's Birthday. Nathan took the kids to pick up the new basket, and swapped the bananas for more cabbage.

Those oranges look funky but they were actually blood oranges and they were like candy.
Lucas was excited to take Red Oranges to school.

We also opened Auntie Stef's cool Valentines to the kids.

 The girls got to make purses, and Lucas got to make a canvas work of art. Mason got a book, and the kids were laughing because "he can't read."

Now, I think we are caught up. :)

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