Stolen Thunder

Since Lucas was a young lad, he has always wanted to be older. 
In some ways, he is. In others, well, you get it.
All of my kids only have 2 teeth when they turn one.
I would always tell him that since his teeth came late, he would lose his teeth late.

This was never a comfort for him. Kids in his class or at church would lose teeth left and right, but not Lucas.
Just a few weeks ago Lucas FINALLY got a loose tooth!

He would mess with it every night and then one day it wasn't loose anymore.
I took a peek in his mouth and saw this...

Yikes! Milk face!
DoubleYikes! His permanent tooth couldn't come in because the baby one was in the way.
I called the Dentist and he was scheduled for a possible extraction of that one baby tooth.

But wait! What day was it scheduled for?
100 Day!

I went in to help for the morning and Mrs. H had so many fun things planned for her favorite little first graders.

I was in charge of the 100 seconds group. They had to estimate how many times they could do something in 100 seconds. Their guesses were so funny. Here they are jumping up and down.

 Here they are writing their findings.

 After they had a little contest. Lucas was the only kid who wrote his name more than 25 times in 100 seconds. He shrugged his shoulders, "it was easy."

Here is something I thought was funny on the board behind him.

Anyway, after all of the 100 day celebrations, I picked up Lucas early so he could go to see that Dentist.

She did an X-Ray.

Then we had to talk about what needed to happen. His permanent teeth couldn't come in because the baby teeth were stubborn. They were blocking the perm's from coming in.Instead of 1 tooth coming out, he needed 4. 
Yes, 4.

She walked me out to talk about it and Lucas was watching TV on the ceiling, because in the special room, that is where it is! We had an issue with the insurance, because they thought we terminated it, but with 5 kids, that would just be stupid. So, they fixed the issue and it was time for the laughing gas.

Lucas did a great job. She talked him through it and in less than 10 minutes they were out!
She had to really get her body into it, but she yanked those puppies right out!
He teared up, but didn't cry.

I was wincing, because the sound it just so... crunch, scratch, yank. *shudder*

I couldn't believe how brave he was.

He was actually pretty chipper.

He got a bunch of coupons for ice cream and smoothies, and then we left.
On the way home he was shouting, I LOST 4 TEETH IN ONE DAY!

Then he felt the soreness of the extraction.
I gave him some motrin, gave him ice cream for dinner, and the rest of us had Roasted :Green Beans, Cabbage and Radishes with Chicken Sausage and a Balsamic Vinegar Reduction. 3 things from the basket!
Lucas was so excited for the tooth fairy to come.
He woke up early just to check it out.

The tooth fairy left sprinkles under his pillow! Weird.

Lucas was crying at the "Letter and Receipt" that the tooth fairy left him.
It was a touched soul cry, not a waah cry.

He was told he got a little extra money this time because the Dentist had to PULL the teeth out, and she knew it was a little scary. He was thrilled.

I am so proud of him. His only complaint was that he didn't lose them the normal way.
What a cutie.

He was eating fine all day, so YAY!


  1. Your tooth fairy Is WAY cooler than ours.. .the sprinkles are a nice touch.

  2. So a little pain, but no E.R. visit -that's good. ;) (Sprinkles under the pillow... that's funny!)
